They hold the V State Congress of Medicine 2022

The Secretary of Health of the State Government, through the State Center for Blood Transfusion and the Blood Bank “Dr. Domingo Chanona Rodríguez”, held the 5th State Congress of Transfusion Medicine 2022, with the aim of training and updating the personnel assigned to bleeding posts and related areas in the 10 health districts of the entity.

In this regard, the head of the state agency, Dr. Pepe Cruz, pointed out that with the holding of this academic event, the Official Mexican Standard (NOM-253-SSA1-2012) regarding the disposal of human blood and its components is fulfilled. for therapeutic purposes, which establishes that personnel in blood services must be trained and ensure that workers comply with the profile to carry out activities in the corresponding areas in terms of blood transfusion.


In this sense, he mentioned that 400 health workers participated in said congress, who were updated on the guidelines established by the Federal Commission for the Protection once morest Sanitary Risks (Cofepris), to function correctly in the bleeding and blood bank stations, as well as carry out the corresponding activities as qualified personnel. They also shared experiences with blood transfusion specialists of national stature, in order to improve services in voluntary and altruistic donation.

He explained that within the training activities, the workshop called “The Promotion of Altruistic Blood Donation” was carried out, through which the necessary tools were provided so that health personnel can implement effective strategies in terms of promotion, in addition to voluntary and altruistic blood donation campaigns in Chiapas.

Likewise, Dr. Pepe Cruz emphasized that thanks to the work of promoting voluntary and altruistic blood donation, to the solidary participation of the Chiapanecos, Chiapas is located above the national average in the matter, for which the state is He received recognition from the National Center for Blood Transfusion and the Pan American Health Organization.



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