Professor of Medicine at the UCC exalted by the Colombian Association of Internal Medicine

The doctor and professor of the Faculty of Medicine of the Cooperative University of Colombia, UCC, Santa Marta Campus, Dr. Luis Emilio Morales Barros, received recognition from the Colombian Association of Internal Medicine, ACMI, as Emeritus Member, a status that adds to his extensive resume of academia and altruism.

The title was delivered on August 12 in the city of Bucaramanga, according to the Doctor, for being part of this entity and meeting the specifications and ideal requirements that allowed him to access this recognition.

“The profession of Medicine is one of the most extensive and it is there, that thanks to the years of work and being part of these Associations, recognition is granted in the category of full member, that is, it has been a journey of 25 years of work, time for which they grant said category, ”said the exalted professor.

According to the cardiologist, the Colombian Association of Internal Medicine evaluated various requirements to grant this recognition, including research work, being a professor, having been recognized as a Fellow of the American College or academic distinction, and being 25 years old. of permanence, aspects that Professor Morales fulfilled to the letter.

The professor at the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia descends from a family of academics, especially his father, Dr. Luis Emilio Morales Barranco, who worked as an Internist and Hematologist and who years ago was also awarded this recognition.

“I receive this appointment with great joy for the duty fulfilled. It is a pride to be an Internal Medicine doctor anywhere in the world. You work, you prepare, you give your best and this is where all your efforts come to the fore, so it’s always good to receive this type of appointment and recognition,” said the doctor.

It is known that this Association is the most important in Colombia in terms of Internal Medicine, so the recognition that Professor Luis Morales received is remarkable.

“It is an honor to be an emeritus member and to continue contributing from my profession to the construction of a better society and the training of future medical professionals, sowing in them the passion and commitment of what it means to be a doctor,” he said.

The Cooperative University of Colombia congratulates its professor and wishes him many more achievements in recognition of his important work.


The Colombian Association of Internal Medicine, ACMI, was founded in 1958 by a small group of eminent internists from Bogotá, at the initiative of doctors Rafael Carrizosa Argáez and Roberto De Zubiría Consuegra, who were elected as its first President and Secretary, respectively.

It was then statutorily defined as “an entity of a scientific and union nature, whose function should be the grouping of doctors who practice Internal Medicine” in Colombia.

The foundation of the Colombian Society of Internal Medicine, with predominantly trade union objectives, and to deal with the impact of the Social Security Institute on the practice of the profession, but which had a short life and gave rise to the appearance of the ACMI, which, Because the name of the Society had not legally disappeared, it had to adopt the name of Association.

Dr. José María Lombana Barreneche (1854-1928), a graduate of the National University, is considered the pioneer in Colombia of “clinical” medicine, the forerunner of internal medicine as an academically defined specialty, and for this reason the ACMI honors his memory giving his name to the most important Master Conference in the Colombian Congress of Internal Medicine.

The ACMI has XXX members distributed in 12 chapters, which comprise the Capital District and 22 departments, and is today one of the largest and most prestigious medical organizations in Colombia.




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