After the end of the tank discount: fuel prices rise sharply

Status: 09/01/2022 11:22 a.m

The end of the tank discount can be seen very clearly at German petrol stations. Fuel prices rose sharply overnight. A liter of diesel sometimes costs more than 2.30 euros. Is this price jump justified?

After the end of the temporary tax reduction on fuel, the prices for premium E10 petrol have risen by around 25 cents per liter, according to the ADAC. This emerges from an initial assessment by the automobile club. The price per liter for diesel rose by around 10 cents.

“In view of the full tanks at the petrol stations, which until yesterday were filled at low tax rates, this can in no way be justified to consumers,” criticized ADAC spokeswoman Katrin van Randenborgh.

In addition, prices have already risen significantly in the past two weeks – by around 10 cents for the E10 and around 20 cents for diesel. All in all, the recent price increase for diesel has almost doubled the tax cut that expired, said van Randenborgh. From the ADAC’s point of view, there is no basis for this.

Prices beyond two euros

E10 grade premium petrol cost more than EUR 2.00 on Thursday morning at most of the gas stations surveyed. 24 hours earlier, the price had not been above this threshold at any of the gas stations examined. Diesel, on the other hand, already cost more than 2.00 euros at the majority of the gas stations examined on Wednesday. On Thursday, the diesel price at most petrol stations was well above 2.10 euros, sometimes even more than 2.30 euros.

Arithmetically, the price of the E10 might increase by 17 cents as a result of the repeal of the 35 cent tax cut for diesel. However, prices had already risen significantly in the past two weeks.

Possible price war of gas stations

Gas station operators might still shop at the reduced tax rate until Wednesday. They would therefore have the opportunity to initially sell petrol and diesel more cheaply. So it might be a while before the cancellation of the tax cut, also known as the tank discount, fully affects customers.

The spokesman for the petrol station interest group, Herbert Rabl, also accused the large corporations of selling fuel that had already been purchased and was therefore cheaper in the tanks at inflated prices. There will be a big price war at the pumps in the coming weeks, Rabl told dem SWR. “The big brands have almost or completely ditched the tank discount – the small brands are now following suit. We are experiencing a tug-of-war over who will prevail.” The interest group represents the concerns of petrol station leaseholders and petrol station owners in Germany.

Higher discount on petrol pumps in France

Meanwhile, France is taking a different approach: While the tank discount has expired in this country, the neighboring country increased the discount at the pump on Thursday night. Instead of the previous 18 cents, a discount of 30 cents per liter of petrol or diesel will be granted on the mainland in September and October. According to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, there is only a smaller discount in Corsica and in some overseas territories.

In the following months, the tank discount should then melt away in France as well. In November and December it is to be reduced to 10 cents on the mainland and phased out completely at the end of the year.



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