Emergency shutdown can’t be avoided! Ukraine announces combat footage: MiG-29 launches US-made anti-radar missiles | International | Newtalk News

Picture of Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter launching AGM-88 anti-radar missile (AGM-88 missile in the red circle) Picture: Retrieved from World Wide Web

According to a report by “World Wide Web” today (31st), the US military website The War Zone (The War Zone) reported yesterday (30th) that Ukraine released the combat image of the AGM-88 anti-radar missile assisted by the United States. The missile was equipped by the Ukrainian army. MiG-29 fighter jet launch. From the video, the MiG-29 participating in the operation carried two AGM-88 anti-radar missiles and two R-73 air-to-air missiles.

According to reports, the AGM-88 is a high-speed anti-radar missile developed by the United States in the 1970s. It was equipped with the US military in small batches in the early 1980s. The missile is equipped with a passive radar guidance device that can track radar waves and can be used to attack the enemy. The radar of the other side plays the role of suppressing or destroying the enemy’s air defense system. At present, the AGM-88 missile has developed a number of improved models. The latest AGM-88E missile has added a millimeter-wave active radar guidance method, which can carry out precise strikes even if the enemy radar is suddenly shut down.

This month (8th), the Pentagon admitted to providing Ukraine with anti-radar weapons that were not on the list. U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Carr said that the recent military supplies to Ukraine included some anti-radar missiles that could be fired from Ukrainian fighter jets and could disrupt Russian radars.

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According to a report by “Russian TV” today, the missile can target the radar of the Russian S-400 air defense system. According to foreign media analysis, the anti-radar missile provided by the United States to Ukraine is an early model of the AGM-88 missile with a range of more than 48 kilometers.

On August 24, the Ukrainian Independence Day, U.S. President Biden issued a statement on the Ukrainian Independence Day, announcing that the U.S. would provide Ukraine with weapons and equipment worth about $2.98 billion, which is also the largest amount provided by the U.S. to Ukraine. Safety assistance.

Crane released the US-aided AGM-88 anti-radar missile combat picture

The missile was launched by a Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter jet

The MiG-29 participating in the operation carried two AGM-88 anti-radar missiles and two R-73 air-to-air missiles

The F-16 is equipped with the AGM-88 high-speed anti-radar missile.Image: Taken from Wikipedia

The F-16 is equipped with the AGM-88 high-speed anti-radar missile.Image: Taken from Wikipedia

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