Schedules and transmission | Four games are played today for date 7: three technicians play for the position


The Day 7 of the Opening 2022 from National League promises to be electrifying. The league championship is approaching the end of the first round: four games will be played today and the rest will be played tomorrow.

One of the special ingredients for Wednesday’s game is that two coaches are practically obliged to win due to the situation they are experiencing with their clubs, in the case of Humberto José Rivera, coach of Olancho FC, was recently ratified by the board; however, if the poor results continue, he might be fired from his position.

Héctor Castellón is also up once morest the wall, as his team, Lobos UPNFM, was reinforced to its liking for this contest and currently have only three points out of 18 in dispute, the same amount as the Colts. Likewise, Manuel Keosseian is under observation by the high command in marathon and a defeat would leave him on the tightrope.

– The games –

The curtain will open with the duel between UPNFM and the Olancho Colts at the National Stadium at 5:00 pm.

At 7:15 pm from the Humberto Michelleti, the Honduran Progress will receive at Real society. The purslane, in the Olympic, will seek to wash their faces following two games without winning and Victoria will be their rival. The locals have 10 wins in this feud once morest Jaiba Brava. The duel is scheduled for 7:30 pm and, at the same time, but in La Ceiba, Life y Royal Spain will close the activity of the day.

The last game that was played at the Municipal stadium ended 0-1 in favor of the sampedranos. The battle to “own” the country’s capital between Motagua y Olympiad it will be tomorrow in National Chelato Uclés At 8:00 pm. It is worth mentioning that both teams arrive with significant wear and tear from having the league and Concacaf hand in hand.


-Wednesday, August 31

5:00 PM | National Stadium | UPNFM vs Olancho FC (Tigo Sports)

7:15 PM | Humberto Micheletti | Honduras Progress vs Real Sociedad (Tigo Sports)

7:30 PM | Olympic Stadium | Marathon vs Victoria (TVC)

7:30 PM | Ceibeno Stadium | Life vs Real Spain (Tigo Sports)

-Thursday, September 1

8:00 PM | National Stadium | Motagua vs. Olympia (TVC)



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