Another great decision from Justin!

This weekend, the Trudeau government made a big decision that will permanently and fundamentally change the country.

But because of the Quebec election campaign, this news — what am I saying, this bomb! — went completely through the butter.


Imagine that the Trudeau government changed the acronym for sexual diversity in order to highlight Indigenous communities.

Before, it was LGBTQI+2E.

L for Lesbian, G for Gay, B for Bisexual, T for Transgender, Q for Queer, I for Intersex, and + for everyone else i.e. asexual, pansexual, agender, contented to masturbate, and tutti quanti.

Not to mention the 2E which means “Two Spirits” or “Two-Spirit”, an important term in certain indigenous cultures, which designates a person with a female spirit and a male spirit living in the same body.

The problem, the scandal, the shame, is that the “2E” was located AFTER the LGBTQI+.

Yes, sir — sorry: yes, individual with a penis!

As if Bi Natives came AFTER non-Native Bi!

But now, thanks to the courage, determination and composure of our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who stops at nothing, and when I say nothing, it means nothing, to improve the lot of the people of Canada and expand our horizons, the 2nd will come BEFORE the LGBTQI+!

It will no longer be LGBTQI+2E, but 2ELGBTQI+!

Do you see the difference?


Apparently on Sunday, on the reserves, the members of the First Nations were crying so much they were relieved.

” Finally ! We’ve adopted an acronym that treats us with respect! »

In some reserves, they were so happy with Justin Trudeau’s announcement that they interrupted the walk they have to do every day to fetch drinking water in order to celebrate!

This is Canada!

We don’t just talk through our hats here. We tackle the real problems!

Justin Trudeau does not pretend to be interested in the fate of Aboriginal people! He is not content to be photographed with feathers on his head!

He acts! He comes running! He takes the bull by the horns and shows the rest of the world the way forward!


You will understand that I am ironic…

Aren’t there far more pressing problems currently afflicting Aboriginal communities?

I don’t know, me… Poverty? Drug addiction ? The lack of drinking water? The mysterious disappearance of hundreds of women? Criminality ?


For Justin, the important thing is where the “2E” will be placed in the acronym used to refer to members of sexual minorities.

Here is a man of action! Who has the priorities in the right place!

By the way, speaking of that acronym…

Can we just say “sexual minorities”?

Seems to me that would be less confusing. And that would include everyone. Those who fuck, those who don’t fuck, those who just fuck on Saturday nights when there’s no hockey…

Because at the rate we are discovering new sexual minorities, soon we will call it the ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890+.

You will have to add letters to the alphabet.



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