The traffic plan will have lasted less than a month: Molenbeek is backtracking in the Maritime District

The measurement lasted less than a month. In Molenbeek, a traffic “filter” was placed in August at the intersection of rue Vanderstichelen and rue Vandenboogaerde. A three-month test requested by associations to reduce transit traffic in this densely populated district.

A few hours following the installation of the “filter”, vandalism had taken place (barrels moved, damaged panels, etc.). Disputes were heard, a petition was launched… and the municipality at the mills finally agreed with the protesters.

The traffic plan is repealed, indicates La Capitale. Information that was confirmed to us by the office of Mayor Catherine Moureaux (PS).

“It’s a collegial decision, a decision of wisdom. There is a lot of dissatisfaction with the implementation of the plan. The alderman will consult the inhabitants and associations, and has undertaken to come back with a new plan within 3 months”indicates the spokesperson for the mayor.

The associations and Van den Brandt deplore

For the Filter Café Filtré association, this decision is a “huge disappointment“, a “slap in the face“. “We were not concerted“, deplores Annekatrien Verdickt. In recent months, the association has organized relaxation activities in the public space freed from traffic, with deckchairs, tables and games. The citizen points the finger at the protesters and their methods: ” Children who came to water the plants at the crossroads were insulted. Those who make the most noise were right.” Annekatrien Verdickt says that while people opposed the plan, many residents are in favor of the filter. An open letter was co-signed by more than 50 people. “A test requires time, consultation and dialogue, and possibly adjustments“, had co-signed the authors at the time of the implementation of the filter. The cabinet of the Minister of Mobility Elke Van den Brandt (Groen) says “deplore” the decision of the Molenbeek college of aldermen to end the test prematurely.



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