Rafael Ramírez announced that he will explain how the children of Cilia Flores embezzled PDVSA

Rafael Ramírez extradition, PDVSA
Photo: Leo Ramirez / AFP / Getty Images

Rafael Ramirez warned this Tuesday that the government of Nicolás Maduro is preparing accusations against him. In his Twitter account, he indicated that they will mount another false positive. He said that he will explain to the country how the children of Cilia Flores embezzled Petróleos de Venezuela.

“I warn that the government is preparing another pot against me. Tareck el Aisami, who instead of taking care of PDVSA and its workers, will set up another false positive. It will be interesting because I will explain to the whole country how the children of Cilia Flores embezzled PDVSA”, he pointed out.

Ramírez vs. Diosdado Cabello

Hours earlier, also on his Twitter account, the former Minister of Energy and Petroleum and former president of PDVSA indicated that Maduro’s longliners were in an uproar with rehashes and false accusations. “Nothing will divert me from the path of building a Bolivarian option in the street to remove Maduro from power and govern for the people,” he said.

Ramírez was referring in that tweet to Diosdado Cabello, whom he said attacked him “in a cowardly and cunning manner” against him on his television show, insulting him and trying to disqualify him.

“Diosdado does not deserve to be answered; and much less that he dedicates a letter to her. I did it from Twitter and already, truly regretting that the lieutenant of February 4 has become a second and that he uses his program, or worse yet, the Venezuelan State channel to attack Chavismo,” he said in a letter in his Web page.

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“The important thing about this episode is that it demonstrates the profound weakness of madurismo: the terror they have of a Chavista option that confronts them and is willing to retake power, to put it at the service of the people and the Constitution,” he added.

Republic President

Ramirez, in an interview with The viewerconfirmed that he is willing to run for the presidency, “always within the framework of a great national mobilization that aims to get out of this lousy government.”

“The time has come for Chavismo, in its civil and military components, to reunite. That we gather around Chavez and his revolutionary thinking,” he said.

Ramírez called, in this way, all the political and social leaders of Chavismo and the popular movement, to step forward and regroup in defense “of the achievements of the Chávez government and the popular conquests.”

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