Your attitude to mobile operators – Beeline, MTS, MegaFon, Tele2


It is always very interesting to hear people’s opinions regarding this or that phenomenon, product. Often a detailed review gives more than one might expect, but there is another misfortune here – the emotional review of one person cannot paint the big picture, does not show how other people relate to this event. For example, in the worldview of Apple fans, the company is number one in everything without exception, they sincerely believe that the majority chooses the iPhone, it is the most popular smartphone in the country, and so on. They are surprised that this is not so, and try to prove that everyone else is wrong in some way. Cognitive dissonance covers them from the head.

Today, each person has one or another experience of using mobile communications, someone has several SIM-cards, someone managed to visit different operators. I will not tire of repeating that the perception of the operator is formed over the years, but the most important thing is how he works at your home and at work. According to these two points, an ordinary person evaluates the quality of an operator, everything else fades into the background. In theory, the operator might be the best, but what if you have poor or no reception at home?

Historically, we have developed in such a way that there was a big three operators, then Tele2 appeared and a four was formed. In fact, we can say that we have two deuces – MTS and MegaFon, beeline and Tele2. In many respects, the operators inside the two are similar in one way or another, they are directly comparable.

If we start from the same SMM, then one gets the impression that MTS is beautiful, and all the problems are fictitious. And this is clearly seen in the comments from unknown people who suddenly appear and immediately disappear in the vastness of the network. And the same can be said regarding any operator with a known margin of error. You write well regarding the operator, and then the negative pours (order, sold out with giblets!), You write regarding problems – the reaction is the opposite (competitors ordered). We decided to do some surveys regarding each of the operators in order to understand your attitude. The questions were as follows:

What is your attitude towards brand X and its knowledge? (multiple answers)

  • I know X
  • I know well X
  • I don’t know x
  • The best on the market, handsome
  • Same as everyone else
  • X? Never
  • Was a client of X
  • Client X
  • Never been to X

In the survey, we have three blocks, in the first we find out how a person evaluates his knowledge of the operator, then his assessment and, finally, we find out whether the person was a client of the operator or not. The third block correlates with the estimates of the first two. Let’s take a look at the results.



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