The rodeo driver sticks to the buttocks… of police officers in an unmarked car

This Saturday, August 27 in the evening, the men in the area are indeed called “shortly before midnight” for dangerous driving. A team gets into an unmarked vehicle. Objective: flagrante delicto.

Cascading offenses

Well camouflaged in their car below all suspicion, “the inspectors come into contact with the driver”, says a press release from the teams of the Brussels Ixelles zone. “At the wheel of a VW Golf, the latter sticks to the unmarked vehicle to encourage it to drive faster than the authorized speed of 30 km / h. He did not realize that he was in fact driving behind a vehicle of police”, jubilant the police.

And the “race” begins: “The driver tries to overtake several times, driving on the cycle lane. A little further, he performs his overtaking maneuver and passes at high speed. In doing so, he does not brake for pedestrians crossing, turns with screeching tires at a roundregarding and misses colliding with a taxi”.

They drop the mask

That’s of course enough for the inspectors: they drop the mask and intercept the VW. “In addition to the driver, three minors are in the car. They are not wearing seat belts. The driver’s breath test result is negative.” As is now customary in the Brussels Ixelles area, the Golf is seized administratively in addition to the 15-day permit withdrawal. Not to mention a salty report “for dangerous driving and numerous traffic violations”.

And the area to warn: “we will continue to provide a firm response to this kind of asocial and dangerous conduct”.



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