Webb Telescope Captures the Lightweight Beauty of the Ghost Galaxy

The spiral galaxy is a swirl of brown, blue, and pink.

Weblatest photo The version is a special cooperation with Hubble Space Telescope. Scientists together dFrom the observers To produce this amazing Snapshots of the Ghost Spiral Galaxy (also known as Messier 74), regarding 32 million light-years from Earth.

Pictures The gas clouds, dust, and star-forming regions of the galaxy are captured in a prominent image. You can even view files The distant universe beyond the rust-red arms of the galaxy, as seen in Optical light and medium infrared

According to the GuardianMessier 74 is nicknamed the Phantom Galaxy due to its faintness, which makes it difficult to see in the sky. Fortunately, Webb Space Ttelescope It was launched in December and went into operation this spring, It is the most powerful space observatory Until now.

M74 in optical light - The center of the galaxy is pale yellow and dotted with pink spots.

M74’s location – which faces Earth almost head-on – and its well-articulated spiral arms make it a great target for astronomers seeking to better understand the galaxy. has evolved. The galaxy also doesn’t have a lot of gas in its center, so the stellar mass in its core is well resolved.

M74 is just over 13 billion years old. It’s a spiral galaxy like our Milky Way (which is an older shadow). What we learn regarding star formation within M74 might well apply to our close neighborhood of the galaxy.

Web first pictures– Of nebulae, galaxies and spectra from the atmosphere of an exoplanet – I showcased the scientific potential of the telescope. Now the telescope is being operated on a set of specific scientific targets different interest Scientific cooperation. So there is a file Twitter Bot It will keep you up to date with what Web is monitoring at any given moment.

newlyIt was Collaboration CEERS Navigate to image targets with Webb, which can observe distant and faint targets with better accuracy than other space telescopes.

M74 photo was taken as part of work Cooperation PHANGSwhich looks at 19 nearby star-forming galaxies to better understand how these hot balls of gas form in our nearby universe.

Looking at the galaxy at different wavelengths of light highlights different features of its structure. In the images taken by Hubble in optical light, the center of the galaxy is too bright to see much detail, but in an infrared webview, you can make individual streaks of light.

The spiral galaxy appears at different wavelengths represented by different colours.

The Hubble image also highlights a small patch of pink spots across the galaxy; According to the European Space Agency Releasewhich are clouds of hydrogen gas that indicate where stars have recently formed. Combining the Hubble and Webb data creates a composite image that highlights the galaxy’s nuclear center while retaining the characteristics of its spiral arms – the red-brown dust.-Salim.

Wavelengths provoke discriminationt feelings too. The optical image makes the galaxy look more ethereal, while the infrared image makes it look like a horrific space vortex.

Some will remain The time before the data is sifted by the scientific teams, which will then do the drawing ConclusionsBrief on how stars form in these nearby spiral galaxies; For now, we can only enjoy the aesthetics of the universe.

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