Here’s why some cafes and restaurants have raised their prices, according to a professional

Many citizens have noted, with surprise and indignation, that cafe and restaurant owners have decided to increase the prices of services, drinks and meals ordered by their customers.

In this regard, the president of the National Association of cafes and restaurants in Morocco clarified that these price increases, mentioned on social networks, “are null and void” and have no basis. This, according to him, since there is no fixed tariff, concerning the benefits and services of the aforementioned public establishments.

And in a statement to Le Site info, Noureddine El Harrak conceded that some restaurants have indeed been forced to increase the prices of the menus offered, given the rising review of food prices. As a result, the persons concerned cannot buy the said products used in the preparation of their meals at their price, which has become more expensive and, at the same time, resell them to their customers at a lower price than that of the purchase.

Consequently, still according to our interlocutor, the owners of cafes and restaurants are looking for a profit margin and cannot, in this case, accept being in the red! Moreover, defending his colleagues who decided to increase their prices for the review, El Harrak explained that the latter had to carry out either renovation work on their establishments or improve their menus by introducing new dishes offered.

However, the president of the National Association of Cafe and Restaurant Owners of Morocco has tempered his “pleading”, emphasizing that this increase in the price of bills does not concern all establishments. Also, he continued, should we not “generalize” and mention the increase in the prices of drinks and meals.




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