Drinking water before bed has its downsides

Despite the many and countless benefits of water, experts at the same time warned once morest drinking water at a specific time, such as the minutes before bed, as they called for the need to take it into account to obtain the greatest amount of gains and reduce damage.

Compensation for lack of water:

And Sky News Arabia quoted the “Eating Well” website, which specializes in nutrition, that some people are trying to compensate for not drinking the required amount of water by drinking it before going to sleep.

The body gains a lot from drinking water before bed. This habit helps a person meet the body’s need for fluids during the last minutes of his day.

Water also helps others get better sleep, by allowing their bodies to sweat, keeping their bodies cooler and more comfortable, and maintaining a cooler temperature.

Negative aspects of drinking water before bed:

However, experts say that there are downsides to the matter as well. Drinking several glasses of water before one goes to bed is not helpful; Because it will make a person wake up repeatedly to relieve himself; Which affects the quality of sleep.

They also see no evidence that drinking water right before bed can help people lose weight. Plus, waking up frequently at night negates any supposed benefit. Poor sleep affects the hunger and satiety hormones, making you feel hungrier during the day.

The amount of water a person needs before bed:

The appropriate amount of water for a person before going to sleep depends on several factors, including what a person drank of water throughout the day, the extent of his physical activities, the temperature surrounding him, and his size. Therefore, a normal person needs before bedtime the equivalent of one and a half cups of water.

According to “Sky News Arabia”, it does not help to increase drinking water before bed, which means waking up at night and going to the bathroom.

Experts say: All people are different from each other, but they can know the required quantities through indicators of moisture in their bodies and the quality of sleep they are going through.



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