The private Wolseong nuclear power plant and the four major rivers are all rigged.

Circumstances in which the Moon Jae-in government has absurdly manipulated the analysis results are being revealed in order to ‘de-nuclearize’ and ‘dismantle the four major rivers’. The prosecution’s indictment for the ‘Wolsong nuclear power plant’ obtained by Hankyung describes in detail the circumstances in which the Moon administration threatened and persuaded those who participated in the economic analysis to conclude that it was ‘not economical’.

A method of manipulating the ‘nuclear utilization rate’, a key indicator, was mobilized. The head of KHNP shared a text saying, “It has been tuned (adjusted) to 55.9% so far” following pulling down the Wolsong nuclear power plant utilization rate, which reached 84.98%, without any basis. The accountant in charge of the economic evaluation service also sent a text message to KHNP saying, “We have come this far and now it is an irreversible situation.” These are sufficient evidence and data to conclude that the decision to ‘close the nuclear power plant’ was put together by manipulation of numbers.

In addition to the phase out of nuclear power plants, this irrational state management operation has been extensively carried out over the past five years of the government. In a recent audit by the Ministry of Environment, distortions and biases in the decision process to dismantle the four major rivers were also confirmed. It was revealed that the decision to dismantle or open the five weirs was made only on the basis of COD (chemical oxygen demand), which was concluded to be ‘inappropriate as a water quality evaluation index’. If you look at the official water quality evaluation indicators, such as BOD (biochemical oxygen demand), TP (total phosphorus), and TN (total nitrogen), improvement is observed in almost all weirs. Nevertheless, the government pushed for its dissolution following forming a committee with a majority of opponents of the Four Major Rivers.

If there is a public official who planned and ordered by the Blue House, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Ministry of Environment, etc., they should be punished as serious criminals who damaged the national interest. The act of dismantling intact four major rivers by mobilizing unscientific methods and suspending the operation of a well-functioning nuclear power plant is the state government nongdan. This is because it is an unacceptable excess of power and corruption that degenerates the administrative power entrusted to the people into the private property of a specific faction.

In the past, the possibility of manipulation at nuclear power plants and the four major rivers has been constantly raised. Energy experts expressed doubts regarding the economic feasibility analysis of nuclear power plants, and farmers demanded an audit, saying, ‘After the opening of the Geumgang and Yeongsan rivers, the water quality deteriorated.’ Each time, the Moon administration created a frame of quasi-dong between the ‘nuclear power plant mafia’ and the ‘four major enemy forces’ and waged a low public opinion battle.

Then, the new world’s best nuclear power plant industry plunged into a deadly crisis, and the four major robbers were ‘re-neglected’ in the name of ‘re-naturalization’. The masterminds who privatized power and caused great damage to the people should be thoroughly screened and punished without tolerance.



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