On August 26, video game and anime voice actor Anjali Kunapaneni locked the Direct Message channel on his personal Twitter account following being harassed by some players. Due to dissatisfaction with the English voice acting of Dori in Genshin Impact
After closing the private Direct Message box, Kunapaneni tweeted: “After the initial release of Dori, there was a good response. Unfortunately, that time didn’t last long.
I have now turned off the DM (Direct Message) channel. Thank you for being kind to me. reiterate that in the end I am just an actor who is not a real game character.” – Anjali Kunapaneni
We started off okay since I announced Dori but unfortunately that didn’t last long. DMs are closed, you guys. For folks who’ve been kind throughout, I appreciate you. Actors are not their characters, at the end of the day.
— Anjali Kunapaneni (@hereliesanjali) August 25, 2022
It was reported that the reason Anjali was harassed on Twitter. This is because some Genshin Impact fans are dissatisfied with Dori’s English voice acting, especially singing. (Source from Leak), which some pointed out to have a tone that annoys the players.
harassing video game character voice actors or game developer (including other types of media such as movies) simply because of some dissatisfaction. It’s been a problem that’s been around for a while in the gaming community. Previously, there were instances of The Last of Us Part II’s voice actor Abby being harassed by fans. due to dissatisfaction with her role in the game Insomniac Games director Bryan Intihar has also been threatened. This is because fans are not happy with Peter Parker’s face change to look more like the voice actor in Marvel’s Spider-Man.
following such event There are many gamers and colleagues. Has released a tweet to show support for Kunapaneni and criticized the actions of the gamer. who harassed her simply because she was dissatisfied with the voice acting as unacceptable and unreasonable.
Source: Sportskeeda