The arm twists, the hand rests on the ground uncomfortably a few centimeters from a female face grimacing under the effort. We guess the cry. The sawdust is everywhere: on the ground, stuck to the clothes, to the skin or frozen in suspension above these painfully entwined young women. The contrasting emotions aroused by the series Hoselupf by Sabina Bösch undoubtedly emanate from the paradox of these bodies fighting with love. Wrestling seen as a challenge, a sport, a claim. “I didn’t want to do sports photography. I wanted us to see the bodies, the emotions. Hence my choice to do mostly black and white. Sometimes, it is even difficult to recognize the gender of the wrestler and that is interesting, a bit as if the bodies and the clothes became an abstract matter “explains, at the end of the line, the young Zurich, graduate of the ECAL, which was one of the three winners of the Swiss Design Prize, photography category, last year.