Hearthstone Talk | Which profession is the designer’s son in the standard mode? _data_thief_version

Original title: Hearthstone Talk | Which profession is the designer’s son in the standard mode?

Let me first talk regarding my own impression flow, (I started playing at the end of the championship, maybe I don’t know regarding the earlier environment) In my impression, the three professions of Thief and Hunter are basically not weak. , but I think there is a difference in the so-called “strong” level of these three professions. Thief virtue is a profession that can finally reach the top stage and gallop in the forefront of the ladder. Hunter is a little bit worse, but in my impression, this profession has always been in the middle and low. The segment maintains good data. The most popular thing for T7 hunting and medium-speed hunting is to mend another year.

Shaman and Warlock are the same way, 70% of the time is very weak, and the remaining 30% of the time to play other occupations are not used, and they are the kind of strong that destroy your game experience a bit, you will feel a little bit when you encounter this occupation on the ladder Physical discomfort.

In my impressions, I think the real weak chicken is the priest. This profession is embarrassing and useful in 90% of the time. Only in the very deep version of the card pool and it happens that there is no strong OTK (or the priest himself has cracks.) Cards like Hearts) Priests have the opportunity to probe, but they are not in a state of strong explosion. Maybe only the Cosmic Priest of the Frozen Throne is one of the few highlights in this profession.

To supplement the original author’s explanation of these data, you can also click the above link to go to the original text to read the original author’s article, and write the boring content more interesting.

The data source is from the 1st to the 227th issue on the official website of vs data (the 23rd issue is missing, in order to make the data neat, I copied the data of the 22nd issue), the first issue was issued on May 19, 2016, the furnace at that time The stone version is the whispers of the ancient gods, and the 227th issue was issued on March 31, 2022 (nearly 6 years in total). The reason for choosing his weekly report data is because it is the most complete data I can find.

I counted two sets of data: Diamond 4-Diamond 1 (the old version was 10-1 and a small amount of 5-1) and Legendary (from more than 150 issues, it is the first 1000 of the legend), and the sent out Set is a legend segment

The statistical method is to rank the occupation rate of each occupation from 1-9 (159 starts from 1-10) and record, and finally add the data recorded by each occupation and divide by 227 (DH divided by 69) to obtain It is the average ranking of professional appearances. I personally think that the appearance rate of each occupation can best reflect the status of the occupation at that time.

It is said that the nine sons of Longsheng are different, and the thief is undoubtedly the closest one. I think everyone should have this impression even if we do not list the data. It is nothing more than whether the thief is more powerful or the virtue is more powerful. Our Vali The overall data of the students is:

  • Average occupational rank: 3.6 (1)
  • Career summit time: 83 weeks (1)
  • Career bottom time: 4 weeks (1)

There are a lot of people who are proficient in playing this profession. The famous Hearthstone anchor, Waniang, uses Valeera as the id. I remember that when the classic mode first came out, Waniang quickly touched the legend of the miracle thief, including the previous For a while, the president was also known as a thief. Others such as Tai Chi Sword, Wine Sinner, Billy Jun, and Bora Manxiu all use thieves as a major selling point of the live broadcast. Among the professional players, Bai Qinli, elements are also masters who love thieves.

There is a famous saying: World champions have to lead thieves. Because of the so-called occupational characteristics, this occupation has a very high upper limit, plus the smooth card checking and the high-quality direct injury spells that are almost always available in every version, the thieves can easily explode twice the combat power under the operation of the master. , I think the upper limit of the thieves is higher than the Germans. You can think of the thieves. The thieves often start to tell stories. In addition to the high cap and stable card checking, in each specific version, rogues have distinct career characteristics. The mission thief in the Un’Goro period is a famous tumor in the history of Hearthstone. The construction of the pure follower in the prince period + the follower push idea of ​​the buff of the prince’s shadow step, the almost endless resources in the follower era, you will never know the dragon follower and the virtual What kind of tricks can the follower of Ling do for you, the unreasonable ultra-fast OTK speed during the throat thief, the dragon-slaying sword during the knife thief, the torture of the exam during the mystery thief, etc. I have listed a lot of these and even all of them. It can be regarded as the “flower work” of the profession of thieves. What really makes her stand at the peak of her career most of the time are the following two ideas.Priest can count so many T0-strength deck names so far.

That’s right, the miracle thief and the rhythm thief. In fact, the two are essentially the same, but the miracle thief is more inclined to check more cards than the rhythm thief, which is commonly known as a bit more bells and whistles.

A picture to cure your low blood pressure, I feel my fists are hard when I do this puzzle, Qing! Jade! protect! symbol!Really unforgettable memory of the times

  • Average occupational rank: 4.09 (2)
  • Career time to summit: 80 weeks (2)
  • Career bottom time: 14 weeks (3)

Druid gave me a feeling that he was born from a wealthy background, and the designer also gave him some reinforcements where he was not good at it. Originally, jumping fee is the most special mechanism of this class. Only this one has this ability. In 2022, you can play directly to 20 fee and play 10 fee. Druid’s single solution (natural balance, jade, anger), group solution (stars) Fall, Sweep, Toxic Seed) are all very powerful cards that have been in the environment for a long time. The key is that this profession is also good at checking cards, super high-quality big brother in the later stage, explosive armor stacking and occasional spell bursts, basically a perfect all-around template.

I think Druid has one of the biggest characteristics, which is often criticized by people: Druid will regularly have a crushing advantage over late-game decks. This will lead to dissatisfaction of many players, from Director De to Qingyu De to later Transcendent De and Lan Long De, which will appear regularly, control the deck and encounter Deben who can skip fees and check the rhythm of cards. It is the disadvantage. The designer will regularly design single cards that crush the control deck on this mechanism (in fact, I think Gufu also crushes the existence of the slow card group on the mechanism), which will lead to the bad reputation of De on a regular basis.

I think this profession is quite special, because he is a newcomer, no one plays if the design is not strong, and he only needs 1 cost skill to let him be born in Rome, as long as the designer does not play tricks, I will give you the whole point, big brother. Things are blinding these fancy ideas, fast attack blind is a little bit stronger, and it takes off immediately, the intensity is too easy to explode.

  • Average occupational rank: 4.34
  • Professional summit time: 72 weeks
  • Occupational bottom time: 7 weeks

I don’t think demon hunters fit into the discussion in this article, but I’ll mention it anyway. I think the designer’s thinking is obvious now, and it’s not completely unbalanced, but the current thinking is, I will let you guys have a good time first, and then improve the environment through dynamic balance patches. Demon Hunter is a new class, and the intensity was completely uncontrollable at the beginning. What impressed me most was that on the first day, blindly taking engineer apprentices and the like can gauze opponents. Just look at the data and feel it.

Warrior can be regarded as a profession that maximizes his professional characteristics. His ranking is also very similar to that of the anti-war deck. If you can eat some decks steadily, you will also lose some decks. However, this idea is highly stable and basically defensive. The battle has always been able to play, but often can’t beat the real monster (thief virtue). At the same time, soldiers often have rhythm and fast-attack ideas, just like you eat a stable and healthy meal such as scrambled eggs with tomatoes + chicken breast every day, and occasionally give you a KFC to refresh.

  • Occupational average rank: 5.07
  • Professional summit time: 49 weeks
  • Bottom of career time: 59 weeks

Compared with other professions, the soldier profession also has one of the biggest advantages, and there is only one, that is, weapons. There are too many good knives for soldiers.

When I was making this picture, I saw a card among these eight “Sacred Soldiers”. I was shocked, and the memory came to my mind. At that time, my scalp was numb when I was hit by this card. I don’t know if everyone can Can’t guess which card it is?

I was slashed by a weapon

From the sea dragon battle to the pirate battle to the anger battle to the later task pirate battle, each strong version of the rhythm battle has two fixed characteristics (also the advantage of the fighter’s rhythm thinking compared to other occupations) as long as there are medium Early supermodel followers + good weapons. With a little construction, you can form a set of rhythm warriors with good strength. In this version, I think the reason why the warriors fail to push the provocation battle is that they are not satisfied with these two points. The new card heart extractor and the crazy poor ghost are the same as before The Warriors of Alexstrasza, Crappy Pirates and other cards are still too bad compared to other cards, and the Charged Tomahawk is not a supermodel weapon. If bomb warfare can be regarded as a medium-speed way of thinking, at least 40% of the fighters’ relatively glorious history were not supported by defensive warfare, which is already a very good answer.

Defense is the way warriors have been relatively stable since Hearthstone was launched. The biggest advantage of defense is that he can stably eat a part of the deck, and this part of the deck is often even the mainstream fast attack of the ladder. Medium speed deck. Thanks to the good coordination of armor and the ability to stack armor frequently, defensive battles can often give up part of the rhythm in the early and mid-term to start defense, and in the mid-term, rely on invincible solutions such as AOE and chaos to pull back the situation and enter high-cost rounds Anti-war can defeat opponents with abundant resources. As a control idea, I think it has always been a lot more stable than the control cavalry and herd. First, the armor mechanism allows the defense to freely choose the timing of the card release. Forbearance in individual rounds can be replaced with armor and hard damage. In the future, there will be a more powerful return; the second is that the card solution is much more powerful than the Holy Light profession, from the minefield challenge, the shield fierce, the beheading to the blade storm, the reckless storm, the accumulation of hatred, the desperate fight, the single solution and the group solution They are all spells with very high quality and resolution field efficiency.

One more word, simply look at some of the cards that made the defense war rise, you can find that if the resources in the later stage are strong to a certain extent, and the quality of the single card as above is too explosive, it is also very easy to rise. After all The first step of reconciling the field alive is not so difficult for defense. If his late-stage strength can crush the opponent, it is a real environmental domination.

To sum up the fighters, if we only talk regarding stability, the idea of ​​defense is definitely ranked in the top three in Hearthstone history. Even if there is a deck like Qingyude, the defense of that period is still a force that cannot be ignored. The warrior class has many successful decks in both rhythm and control categories. It is a deck that uses its strengths to the extreme. There should be many old brothers who are old ‘anti-war’ and old ‘pirate war’.

There are many similarities with thieves. The profession of mages often has many decks that are partial to combination skills. Many mages with strong versions require the linkage between two or three cards to complete. Mage has always been a relatively strong profession. Although she has not reached the top for a long time, this profession is rarely at the bottom. In terms of overall strength, Mage should be second only to the two sons of thief virtue. .

  • Occupational average rank: 5.27
  • Career time to summit: 27 weeks
  • Occupational bottom time: 22 weeks

In fact, there are many similarities between the mage profession and the thief: these two professions have poor blood recovery ability, but the biological quality of these two professions is relatively high, and they have a strong ability to check cards. However, I think that the Mage is a little worse than the thief. I think that the rhythm card is a little less (the 3 0 backstabs of the thief waiting for the opportunity to launch the shadow step rhythm is too strong), the professional card of this family is not as pure as the thief, there are many thieves The cards are all for the rhythm thief idea, and the mage still has a derived control method idea. Compared with thieves, mages have another feature. mages have a lot of very high-quality followers, but these so-called “high-quality” are often for resource services, while thieves’ high-intensity followers are for “rhythm”. “Serving, this is the reason why the strength of mages is slightly lower than that of thieves.

But I think Mage should have the most tricks in the whole class: there are spells with only spells (this idea swept the ladder when the Fool’s deck was 2 mana), and there were minions with only followers (I think this idea There are two versions, one is the Book of Wraiths and the other is the vicious method that some people used to play) There is a generation of cancer mysteries (everyone knows this), there is a cosmic form, and there is a control method that relies on the frost witch Jaina, There are control methods that rely on big spells to win, and combo card decks that rely on grief green to activate (this also needs to be divided into periods, following all, the fire demon method, the miracle method, and the magic power method belong to the three period card groups, and the gameplay is also basic. Not the same) There are combo decks developed by Vile Whip Siren. After talking regarding the fast attack and medium speed control ideas, the Mage still has many OTK ways to play. From the Ice Mage, Mage has the ability to instantly kill the opponent in a single round. Later, the Open Door Unlimited Fireball Method, the Duel Method, the quest method of the Stormwind City version, etc., There are really too many ideas for mages. I think from this point of view, mages should be the most successful career in Hearthstone design. Unlike hunters, although there are innovations, 80% of them are thinking regarding how to shoot arrows quickly and straight. Kill the opponent.

In my impression, the hunter is the real “evergreen tree”. In my mind, this profession belongs to: a slightly lower-segmented killer, and it takes another year to make up for it. It is the most suitable profession to turn on the mobile phone and start a game on the way to work. . I think the skills of hunters are second only to demon hunters among all Hearthstone professions. Because of this straightforward, simple and rude skill, hunters often can’t get out of the comfort zone of stealing blood. It’s likely that bells and whistles are not as good as shooting an arrow to put pressure on the opponent. There is a saying that goes well: have fewer children and shoot more arrows.

  • Average occupation rank: 5.33
  • Career time to summit: 36 weeks
  • Bottom of career time: 51 weeks

I think these are the four cards that best sum up the hunter class:

  • The lion means that the hunter has many supermodel followers, but such followers often have the effect of explosion and supermodel figure, but the hunter can’t use it at all. There is a slogan: a new card is released! The effect is too explosive! The figure is so invincible!No how is the green box, you say yes, Professor SlaterAs long as you don’t follow the hunter, you are invincible.. But if it can be developed properly or the system pushed by the designer is suitable, the supermodel single card is easy to take off.
  • The kill command means that hunters have many spells with high direct damage efficiency, including arcane shooting, rapid shooting, etc., which are all direct damage spells that are very useful in the stage of beheading and blood grabbing. This version of the task hunting intensity is always online. .
  • Rumrudilor represents the hunter profession with many offensive weapons, candle bow, moon bow, headhunter’s axe, heavy bladed crossbow, harpoon gun, eagle horn bow, storm hammer, desert Cards such as spears have played a very important role in the history of hunters, similar to the warrior knife mentioned above, there is a knife in it that I have a very bad memory (that card was a gold online game At the same time, Lunrudilor can also represent the most unique style of hunting in the history of hunters.
  • Death Hunter Rexxar represents that the hunter profession can also play with thickness, and is the best symbol of the late stage strength single card. In the history of hunters, although 90% of the time was thinking regarding how to kill the opponent, they also established bonds with modules and giant beasts. Deathrattle Hunting and this version of Beast Hunting are better representatives. Dad is a “sap”, but the thickness is very high in the later stage.

I think the most commendable thing regarding hunters and mages is that both of them have tried a lot of ideas that are not related to their own professional characteristics, and they have achieved certain success (indicating that the designer really wants to push a gameplay. , you can play if you give enough sincerity). I have tried these two occupations with only followers and only with spells, and it can be seen from the occupation data that these two occupations are difficult to play completely, and they have always been the mainstay of the entire Hearthstone environment.

Shaman is the profession with the biggest ups and downs in Hearthstone. His time to the top can barely match the three professions in the first echelon, and his bottom time is even higher than that of the priest. An amazing 9.7, either a bunch of shamans on the ladder or no shamans in the world.

  • Occupational average rank: 5.53
  • Career time to summit: 56 weeks
  • Bottom of career time: 76 weeks

I think the reason for the ups and downs of shaman is that the designer’s positioning of this profession is “all-round” (it’s not that I’m embarrassed, if you put all the cards of Hearthstone together, Druid is the real meaning of the all-round profession. ) The shaman has high-quality direct damage (lightning arrow, lava burst, chain burst, and forced penetration lava shock that unlocks overload) Shaman has its own high affinity race, is a master of murloc totem, bloodthirsty , Murloc Soul can also support the shaman’s idea of ​​​​playing the field; Shaman has excellent healing cards, Healing Rain, and the single-card healing efficiency of Healing Wave can make the two players who believe in the Holy Light feel ashamed, and the shaman has a bunch of them. The supermodel’s medium-speed card, the supermodel’s weapon card, and the supermodel’s solution card, then why is this profession old enough?

Because the characteristic of this profession is “overload”. To make you stronger for a month, you must rest for three months. When the designer thinks of the shaman, he will give you some snowfall parrots and it will be T0 once more. In the final analysis, the basic game of shaman is not enough, and the designer often likes to use shaman for scientific research, which leads to the fact that the cards of his expansion pack cannot be connected, and the push element system is good, how can he become a murloc once more , Well, the murloc, why did he start to evolve Sa? The strength of the shaman is not continuous enough, it depends entirely on whether there are single cards with explosive strength in one or two expansion packs. Shaman decks generally don’t pay attention to the adaptation between cards and the linkage of the system. You can put all the cards you think are supermodels together, and you can collect 30 cards. Congratulations, the invincible shaman deck is here. , this profession is like that.

I think this profession is a bit similar to shaman, (I think the relationship between shaman and warlock is a bit like the relationship between mage and hunter, hunter mage has its own unique and strong style, whether it is mage’s powerful card checking ability and high-quality spells or hunter’s Strong blood grabbing ability and high-quality beasts are positive advantages in the game), but it is a bit different from shamans. Shamans are proficient in too much, and they are not very specialized in everything. Warlock belongs to the positioning given to him by the designer: self-mutilation, discarding cards, a demon system that is not in the mainstream 80% of the time, and a solution that does not distinguish between enemies and friends. The crux of the problem is here. If you push these styles, if the design of the card is not good, isn’t it just a trick to yourself? Therefore, the strength of the profession of Warlock depends entirely on the designer’s face. If the expansion package is strong, it will take off. Play with your mentality, as shown in the picture above.

  • Occupational average rank: 5.55
  • Career time to summit: 42 weeks
  • Bottom of career time: 62 weeks

The gap between Warlock’s own cards is too large, and the shaman’s all-powerful and incapable of seeing the designer’s face is different, Warlock’s own style is too strange, and the card must be strong to a certain strength to have strength.

In addition, in the game Hearthstone, most of the time, the active attack deck is more powerful. Warlocks are often on the defensive side. In addition, if they do not control themselves, they will be quickly killed. Anemia is also a part of this profession. big problem.

But Warlock’s zoo strength is not bad, I think it is the same as T7 hunting, rhythm thief’s idea of ​​living fossil level.

  • Average occupational rank: 5.7
  • Career time to summit: 47 weeks
  • Bottom of career time: 71 weeks

If healing is an important attribute in this game, it is indeed a tripod of priests, shamans and knights. But in fact, you can feel it from the strength of the profession. The most important thing in the game of Hearthstone is the ability to check cards. Only if you have a powerful and efficient method of checking cards in a profession, you will have more space to play some operations or complete your cards. The game plan, but it happens that the pastor’s card checking is a long-standing problem. In addition, the pastor’s skill is the only skill in the 10 occupations that has a high probability of playing a 2-cost (1-cost) and is useless. This causes the priest to often be in a A passively beaten state.

Passive is not a problem, but before the Heartbreaker, the priest really completely relied on neutral cards to interfere with the opponent’s game plan, and 98% of the time he might only be a pitiful sandbag.

When priests are strong, they always take the initiative to attack. Cosmic Shepherds, Heart Fire Shepherds and even Dark Shepherds prove that in Hearthstone, the active side can gain the upper hand.

In 2018, I just started writing articles in the camp. In the early days, I only wrote articles regarding milk riding. The reason why I wanted to write was that milk riding had a high win rate at the beginning. There was a legend that I asked Sands of Stars for a friend, and then the heroes fought. Two 12 wins and one 11 wins. At that time, I still liked to study milk riding, but following all, milk riding was strong at that time. When I wrote this article, I was thinking regarding the previous hearthstone, and it still feels like the current furnace. Shi is too supermodel, and there are too many things that one card can do, which leads to the decline of milk riding. I used to like to play Milk Rider because Pyromancer’s life was an invincible set of solutions at that time. As long as 4 costs, you can easily return to the game. Of course, 2022 is not enough to watch, but the virtual profession in the game of knight made me know it. I met a lot of real friends and met a lot of people who helped me a lot. Maybe the Holy Light in the game didn’t guide me forward, but in the small world of the camp, I found the “Holy Light” to guide me.

  • Average occupation rank: 6.4
  • Professional summit time: 13 weeks
  • Bottom of career time: 97 weeks

This data is really shocking, but it is reasonable to think regarding it. Rogues can play a lot of cards in one round. Knights often only do one thing in a round. There is a high probability that they will shoot a stupid big guy. Stupid, it is the knight who gives people The deepest impression. This profession is really too inflexible. 10 professions are sitting together in a meeting, and everyone is discussing their own advantages. The knight said in a loud voice: All eyes are on me, let me announce something, my profession is best at 2 mana Do something for 2 charges! 3 mana do 3 mana things, shoot a monster every round, am I very strong! Unless you spend 2 for a 2-2 Divine Shield machine or pick up a 1-3 knife that can pull the three mysteries of the card library, the supermodel is completely unable to solve the opponents who shoot strange shots at the cost, and the knight can only have a battle. force.

There is another problem with knights. The shamans are decathlons, and they can rise occasionally. Your knight’s professional characteristics are very weak. The designer is still changing all the time, and there is no continuity in the cards. The jumping milk ride just jumped left and right, oh right, this version of the jump report ride, and even strengthened it once? And then the knights are even worse?

Combining the statistics of the data and some of my own subjective opinions, we can actually divide these 10 occupations into four grades.

  • T1 gear: thief, German, blind: nothing to say.real son
  • T2 file: warfare, law, hunting: the professional style is very clear, there is a new idea that is popular in the sky, and I have been brave enough to try many different ideas over the years, but the overall strength is online, and many times it can be compared with the three of T1. Shake your wrists.
  • T3 gear: Sa, Shu: Trapped by the insufficient strength of the basic card, and the so-called professional characteristics are too unstable, the shaman has a little bit of everything but is not completely proficient in everything, this is his profession and the T2 gear The gap, but once the expansion pack comes with a supermodel card, it can magnify the advantage, that is, the explosive strength. Warlocks are similar. Whether they are strong or not depends entirely on the cards from the expansion pack. If they want you to be strong, I will give you some Blood Raider Gul’dan. If the Seed of Demons thinks you should pay the debt, they will give you the discard spell. Murloc arrangement.
  • T4 gear: animal husbandry, riding: there is nothing to say, the double waste of holy light is true! Priests have been beaten all the year round, and it is normal for them to be unable to counteract OTK and the fast break that has been fooled. The knights are even worse than the priests, unless the knights are strong enough to shoot monsters for a fee, they are really supermodels to be seen by others. If you don’t understand it, you can have the power to fight. The rest of the time, knights are synonymous with being shown by others. After all, there is only one sand of stars in the entire Hearthstone legend, and milk riders know everything.

In the end, the strength between classes is actually related to their unique mechanics. Druid has a unique jump fee mechanism in this game, and thieves have 3 0-cost spells that can be said to be the most rogue in this game and very unique. Their rhythm ability is destined to be very difficult for them to be very weak. Compared with mastering the power of elements, engaging in scientific research on fel energy, and believing in the flow of holy light, they are far ahead.Return to Sohu, see more



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