Cautious calm in Tripoli..Nightmares of fighting continue

Cairo: «Al-Khaleej», and agencies

The UAE condemned the armed acts of violence in Libya, and called on all parties to immediately stop military operations, preserve the safety of civilians, government headquarters and property, and for everyone to exercise the utmost restraint, to get out of the current crisis, while calm prevailed in Tripoli in the early hours of the morning Yesterday, Sunday, a day following the worst fighting there in two years, killing 32 people and wounding 159 others, the Libyan parliament called yesterday for an urgent investigation into the clashes.

She urged the UAE to abandon division, restore calm and serious dialogue, and give priority to the national interest, to restore security and stability in Libya.

The UAE renewed its position calling for a solution to the conflict in Libya, and its full support for what preserves the security, stability and unity of Libya, in accordance with the outcomes of the road map, Security Council resolutions, and the ceasefire agreement, to ensure the success of the elections and the aspirations of the brotherly Libyan people towards development, stability and prosperity.

burning cars

On the other hand, calm prevailed in Tripoli in the early hours of Sunday morning, a day following the worst fighting there in two years, killing 32 people and wounding 159 others.

Cars crowded the city’s roads, shops opened and people removed broken glass and other debris from Saturday’s violence, while burning cars littered some streets in the city center.

Tripoli residents said: “The city is witnessing a cautious calm with the continued spread of armed mechanisms belonging to the fighters in some areas and main streets,” expressing their apprehension that fighting will resume at any moment.

The fighting has raised fears of a wider conflict in Libya due to the political confrontation between the outgoing unity government head, Abdel Hamid Dabaiba in Tripoli, and Fathi Bashagha, who is seeking to install a new government in the capital.

This is the second attempt by Bashagha to seize Tripoli since May.

Airlines said yesterday that flights are operating normally at Mitiga Airport in Tripoli, in an indication of the stability of the security situation at the present time.

Yesterday, the Ministry of Health said that 32 people were killed in the fighting on Saturday and 159 were wounded.

Yesterday, Libyan sources confirmed that the militias affiliated with the outgoing Prime Minister of the National Unity Government, Abdel Hamid al-Dabaiba, took control of the entire area that was invaded by the forces of the dismissed intelligence chief, Major General Osama al-Juwaili, who is supported by the head of the stability government, Fathi Bashagha.

The sources added that the militias of the Dabaiba government had taken control of all the camps and headquarters of the former Tripoli Revolutionaries Brigade commander Haitham al-Tajouri.

control of two camps

She explained that the control of Camp 77 in the Bab Al-Aziziya area, and Camp 92 on Al-Zawiya Street, the two largest camps under the control of Haitham Al-Tajouri.

The fighting has raised fears of a wider conflict in Libya due to the political standoff between Dabaiba and Bashagha.

Dabaiba issued an arrest warrant for all civilians and military participants in the aggression on Tripoli, without exception, as well as anyone suspected of being involved in any way.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, called for an immediate end to the violence and for a real dialogue to overcome the political impasse in Libya. He also called on several Arab countries to calm down, stop violence and give priority to the language of dialogue; In statements issued by the ministries of foreign affairs, Kuwait, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia called for giving priority to the language of dialogue. Egypt and the Arab Parliament called on all Libyan parties to stop violence and escalation and give priority to the language of dialogue.

In addition, the Libyan parliament called, yesterday, to open an urgent investigation into the clashes. The head of the Parliament’s Internal Affairs Committee, Suleiman Al-Harari, strongly condemned what he called the dangerous security escalation in Tripoli, pointing out that the fighting in the streets of Tripoli poses a threat to the lives of civilians, public and private properties, and civil institutions.

“Representatives and the State” to achieve reconciliation

In turn, Parliament Spokesman Abdullah Blihaq said that Parliament Speaker Aguila Saleh met with a number of members of the State Council, and the meeting dealt with the convergence of views between the House of Representatives and the State Council.

The discussion revolved around the understanding between the two councils at the level of the constitutional track, and ways to reach a Libyan-Libyan consensus that would end the current stage and move the country to the stage of stability.



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