“Solutions can exist for every young person”

Published on Saturday August 27, 2022 at 3:16 p.m.

Faced with the magnitude of the task, you are not discouraged?

” No way. I have an obligation to be creative, for example, with our “territories zero long-term unemployed” operation. “I believe in investing in people and in emancipation through work”

How to find those who are most in difficulty?

“Our “Coup de Boost” operation helps, for example, young people between the ages of 18 and 29 who are neither employed nor in training. It is not enough to decree employment, it is necessary to create the conditions which are favorable to reintegration. We have 5 active locations. We want to help 500 young people a year. One year following the support, 3 out of 4 young people have found professional integration or training. These are better figures than for the other types of accompaniment. »

What to do for the many Walloons who are afraid of becoming independent?

“Guidance counselors must now discuss the possibility of becoming independent according to the profile of the person in front of them. They can take management courses (business plan…), the person can be supported for 18 months…”

Could we not give this taste from the schools?

“We have an “Enterprising Generations” program funded by Sowalfin: students are offered the opportunity to create their cooperative in secondary 5 and 6. For a year, they test the model and are accompanied by a coach. Often when young people come out of this program, they say they want to be independent followingwards. It is also possible to become an additional self-employed person. »

How do you get Walloons who have fallen off the radar back to work?

“It is the consequence of false good ideas such as deregistering people from unemployment because they accumulate in addition to the loss of employment, problems of addiction, childcare, personal difficulties… Today , to help them, our Forem advisers allow people to go see psychologists if they wish to put them back on the path to employment. »

Is the social economy also a possibility?

“One in eight jobs in Wallonia has been created thanks to the social economy. »




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