The riches of the Arctic… A tripartite conflict ignites over a “cold tin”

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And between scientific missions, military maneuvers and diplomatic moves, the American, Russian and Chinese attempts to establish settlement areas or expansion to hoard stocks under the ice abounded, while warnings and calls continued to avoid "militarization" North Pole.

While defining the new strategic concept of NATO, North Atlantic "NATO" Capabilities Russia Far North as a strategic challenge to the entire alliance, states Russian Naval Doctrine New to the North Pole "It is turning into an international competition area, not only from an economic point of view, but also from a military point of view".

Arctic region

  • The northernmost point of the globe, touching 3 continents, Asia, Europe and North America
  • Area: 14 million square kilometers
  • It is overlooked by 5 countries: Russia, Norway, Denmark, the United States and Canada
  • own Russia The largest view of more than 50 percent of the coast of the North Pole
  • Global warming has contributed to an increase in the appetite of the major powers in the region following the ice melts
  • During the past four decades, the area and volume of ice in the region have decreased by 35 percent
  • Scientists expect the Arctic Ocean to become ice-free by 2050 or shortly before
  • Large areas of water began to unfold, and with it the possibility of exploration and navigation through those corridors
  • Economic, commercial and military activities began in the region that were impossible before the melting of the snow

Why the conflict? In 2015, a study was published on University "stanford" The US estimated that the area:

  • It contains 90 billion barrels of oil (equivalent to 15 percent of the world’s reserves).
  • 17 trillion cubic feet of gas (30 percent of global reserves).
  • 44 billion barrels of gas flow (26 percent of world reserves).
  • Huge quantities of nickel, diamonds and zinc, in addition to the so-called rare natural elements, which are materials that are used in various industries, including the military industries.

The beginning of the crisis

  • 2007, Russia launched two submarines to plant its flag in the region, a move that drew Western criticism.
  • Not only did Russia do that, but it also made scientific and legal moves by sending scientific expeditions above and below the North Pole.
  • In a letter to the United Nations, Russia demanded that it be entitled to an additional area equal to the size of France and Germany combined.
  • Strengthened the capacity of the Northern Fleet and introduced lethal weapons, including "The torpedo Poseidon" With massive nuclear capabilities.
  • Canada, which is also the second largest country in the region, has spent $7 billion to build a fleet to defend its interests.
  • The United States increased its operational and military missions, strengthened its relations with the Nordic countries, and sought to purchase the island of Greenland.
  • China worked on building the first nuclear-powered icebreaker and signed agreements with Russia to explore for oil and gas, in an attempt to create an alliance between the two sides to counter any Western alliance.
  • March 2022, NATO conducts its largest military exercise "cold response".
  • June 2022 Suspension of Russia’s membership in the Arctic Council due to the Ukraine war.
  • August 2022, for the first time, Washington appoints an ambassador-at-large to the North Pole.

What does the appointment of America’s ambassador to the region mean?

The Arctic region, according to the American expert in international affairs and strategy, Irina Zuckerman, has become, over the past decades, a geopolitical strategic location, both in terms of the race for natural resources or as geographical paths for international trade, including oil shipments.

Zuckerman explained to the site "Sky News Arabia"The region has become a battleground for many countries, from Norway to Russia, China and the United States, as melting Arctic ice sheets has made the region more accessible for shipping as well as oil and gas extraction, making it increasingly sought following by neighboring and remote countries.

On the appointment of Washington as an ambassador in the region, she said that it is a step that reveals the increasing importance of the region to the global economy and its being a strategic point for competition between great powers. The United States seeks to exercise its influence and ensure the cooperation of the local population, as well as coordination with other countries operating in the vicinity. By establishing a diplomatic presence, the United States creates a more efficient and formal framework for international cooperation and for defining its national security and economic interests.

The most realistic scenario for the foreseeable future, according to Zuckerman, is a great deal of political tensions, and possibly covert asymmetric acts of sabotage by some parties that nevertheless do not rise to the level of direct or lethal attacks on the main capabilities or interests of opponents.

site transfer "The newspaper" The Russian military expert and researcher in political affairs, Valery Volkov, said: "The lack of cross-contact multiplies the risks. Not even because of evil intent, but because of lack of coordination".

He added: "Our forces and allied forces can meet in the same place. Communication has been disrupted, not only through the Arctic Council, but also many working groups of the Russia-NATO Council. It is important now that we hear each other, even if the positions are conflicting, and that communication does not break".


And between scientific missions, military maneuvers and diplomatic moves, the American, Russian and Chinese attempts to establish settlement areas or expansion to hoard stocks under the ice abounded, while warnings and calls to avoid “militarization” continued. North Pole.

While defining the new strategic concept of NATO, North AtlanticNATO” Capabilities Russia Far North as a strategic challenge to the entire alliance, states Russian Naval Doctrine According to the new study, the Arctic is “turning into a region of international competition, not only from an economic point of view, but also from a military point of view.”

Arctic region

  • The northernmost point of the globe, touching 3 continents, Asia, Europe and North America
  • Area: 14 million square kilometers
  • It is overlooked by 5 countries: Russia, Norway, Denmark, the United States and Canada
  • own Russia The largest view of more than 50 percent of the coast of the North Pole
  • Global warming has contributed to an increase in the appetite of the major powers in the region following the ice melts
  • During the past four decades, the area and volume of ice in the region have decreased by 35 percent
  • Scientists expect the Arctic Ocean to become ice-free by 2050 or shortly before
  • Large areas of water began to unfold, and with it the possibility of exploration and navigation through those corridors
  • Economic, commercial and military activities began in the region that were impossible before the melting of the snow

Why the conflict? In 2015, a study was published on Stanford University The US estimated that the area:

  • It contains 90 billion barrels of oil (equivalent to 15 percent of the world’s reserves).
  • 17 trillion cubic feet of gas (30 percent of global reserves).
  • 44 billion barrels of gas flow (26 percent of world reserves).
  • Huge quantities of nickel, diamonds and zinc, in addition to the so-called rare natural elements, which are materials that are used in various industries, including the military industries.

The beginning of the crisis

  • 2007, Russia launched two submarines to plant its flag in the region, a move that drew Western criticism.
  • Not only did Russia do that, but it also made scientific and legal moves by sending scientific expeditions above and below the North Pole.
  • In a letter to the United Nations, Russia demanded that it be entitled to an additional area equal to the size of France and Germany combined.
  • The Northern Fleet was strengthened and lethal weapons were introduced, including the “Poseidon torpedo” with great nuclear capabilities.
  • Canada, which is also the second largest country in the region, has spent $7 billion to build a fleet to defend its interests.
  • The United States increased its operational and military missions, strengthened its relations with the Nordic countries, and sought to purchase the island of Greenland.
  • China worked on building the first nuclear-powered icebreaker and signed agreements with Russia to explore for oil and gas, in an attempt to create an alliance between the two sides to counter any Western alliance.
  • March 2022, NATO conducts the largest “Cold Response” military exercise.
  • June 2022 Suspension of Russia’s membership in the Arctic Council due to the Ukraine war.
  • August 2022, for the first time, Washington appoints an ambassador-at-large to the North Pole.

What does the appointment of America’s ambassador to the region mean?

The Arctic region, according to the American expert in international affairs and strategy, Irina Zuckerman, has become over the past decades a geopolitical strategic location, both in terms of the race for natural resources or as geographical paths for international trade, including oil shipments.

Zuckerman explained to “Sky News Arabia”, that the region has become a battleground for many countries, ranging from Norway to Russia, China and the United States, as the melting of the Arctic ice cap has made the region more accessible for shipping as well as extracting oil and gas, which made neighboring countries. And remote areas are increasingly seeking it.

On the appointment of Washington as an ambassador in the region, she said that it is a step that reveals the increasing importance of the region to the global economy and its being a strategic point for competition between great powers. The United States seeks to exercise its influence and ensure the cooperation of the local population, as well as coordination with other countries operating in the vicinity. By establishing a diplomatic presence, the United States creates a more efficient and formal framework for international cooperation and for defining its national security and economic interests.

The most realistic scenario for the foreseeable future, according to Zuckerman, is a great deal of political tensions, and possibly covert asymmetric acts of sabotage by some parties that nevertheless do not rise to the level of direct or lethal attacks on the main capabilities or interests of opponents.

The Russian “Gazeta Ru” website quoted military expert and researcher in political affairs, Valery Volkov, as saying: “The lack of mutual contact multiplies the risks. Not even because of evil intent, but because of lack of coordination.”

He added: “Our forces and allied forces can meet in the same place. Communication has been disrupted, not only through the Arctic Council, but also with many working groups of the Russia-NATO Council. Now it is important that we hear each other, even if the positions are opposing, and not Communication is cut off.”



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