Sterility – Procreation centers are multiplying

The difficulty of procreating is gaining ground. This is a fairly common reason for consultation in health centers, especially among gynecologists. There are many reasons for not procreating. “Often the problem comes from the woman. She may have had a gynecological problem in her youth and later her tubes were blocked,” says a doctor. Others indicate that this difficulty in procreating can come from other gynecological problems or genetic diseases.

Dr. Leonardo Formilgi, a doctor specializing in artificial insemination, assures that there is a chance for a couple to have a child, if the couple is fertile, but encounters difficulties as a result of a genetic disease.

The chance of having a child increases today for couples who have a reproductive problem. Procreation centers are multiplying in Antananarivo. A new establishment offers in vitro fertilization (IVF). These are the Mimosa medical and maternity center (C3M) in Analamahitsy and Itaosy in the Atsimondrano.

A cheaper campaign

Dr. Leonardo Formilgi will work with this center to help couples who encounter this kind of problem. “We will make IVF available to as many people as possible. Thus, we want to organize a campaign whose cost will be less expensive than now, ”underlines the doctor. The cost of IVF is around 20 million ariary. The price at the C3M would be below.

However, the chances of success with IVF are not 100%. “We are going to extend the culture of the embryos to the blastocyst stage. Five days of in vitro culture and we will transfer them following thawing. This will increase the chances of success,” emphasizes Dr. Leonardo Formilgi. Technicians point out, however, that once a woman’s age advances, the chances of success diminish.



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