Man is infected with Corona, HIV and monkeypox at the same time

While the corona pandemic continues, a new worrying viral disease, monkeypox, has already emerged. Now there is the first report of a patient who contracted both diseases at the same time – and who was also infected with HIV.

Even with one of the diseases mentioned alone is not to be trifled with. Now a man from Italy is fighting with all three. According to a report in the Journal of Infection, it is the first known case of co-infection of HIV, Corona and the monkey pox was diagnosed.1

Corona symptoms following a trip

According to the report in the specialist journal, nine days following returning from a trip, the 36-year-old man developed the first symptoms that indicated a corona infection. He suffered from fever, sore throat, fatigue, headache and enlarged lymph nodes in his groin. The corona test on July 2nd was also positive. But on the same day, there were complaints that went beyond the typical Covid symptoms.

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Rash and blisters came on

These were skin irritations of various types and degrees of severity. Initially, a rash formed on the left arm, followed by painful blisters on the face, upper body, legs and buttocks, which some time later developed into pustules and papules. With these symptoms, the Italian finally went to the hospital for emergency medical treatment.

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Further tests revealed infection with HIV and monkeypox

Medical tests at the hospital on July 6 revealed that the patient not only had Corona, but also had monkeypox and contracted HIV (his last negative HIV test was from September 2021). Doctors started an intravenous treatment with sotrovimab, a drug used for Covid therapy.2

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How is the patient now?

The skin lesions began to heal quickly. Crusts formed on the third day of treatment. Two days later, almost all symptoms had disappeared and the laboratory values ​​also returned to normal. On the sixth day of treatment, the doctors discharged the patient from the hospital. However, he still had to isolate himself at home because the corona and monkeypox tests were still positive. Two weeks later the pustules and papules had healed but left small scars. The man now no longer needs treatment for corona and monkeypox, he has survived these diseases. However, long-term HIV therapy is necessary.

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Conclusion: Symptoms can overlap

The authors of the case report would like to point out with their work that the symptoms of corona and monkeypox can overlap. In suspected cases, physicians should therefore be aware that both diseases are present at the same time and can possibly be spread unnoticed.




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