Exercise to lower high cholesterol: this is how it can be done

Many people are alarmed just by the word cholesterol, even claiming that it is bad for health and should be avoided at all costs. However, cholesterol is necessary for the body and some of its most important functions. This fatty substance is usually found in cells and blood.

However, just as it contributes to the fulfillment of these basic functions of the organism, it can also be negative. And that is why cholesterol has currently generated a very bad reputation among people. Downloading it is quite a difficult task but not impossible. According to experts, this can really be achieved entertainingly through some sport or physical activity.

Precisely, the web portal new Eves, The University of Queensland, ensures that: “the lack of physical activity for 5 days increases total cholesterol and if instead of 5 days, you spend 20 days without physical exercise and minimal daily activity your good cholesterol, HDL, which protects your health cardiovascular, is reduced”; therefore, they recommend the exercises detailed below that help keep cholesterol at normal levels.

  1. Bicycle: According to a study in Veterans Affairs, aerobic exercise such as biking regarding 10 miles a week, along with a healthy diet, improves cholesterol levels. “Using the bicycle for at least 9 months decreases the values ​​of total cholesterol and bad LDL cholesterol and increases good HDL cholesterol”, indicates the study, in which they recommend a session of this sport, at least 30 minutes a day.
  2. Yoga postures: For its part, a study conducted at Gulf Medical University, the daily practice of yoga for 1 hour, for 3 months, lowers total cholesterol and LDL bad cholesterol and increases the values ​​of good HDL. “According to the study, following 3 months of practicing yoga, total cholesterol values ​​decreased from 244 to 219 mg / dl, bad LDL cholesterol from 144 to 120 mg / dl and the good HDL increased from 44 to 47 mg/dl”, reveals the study.
  3. treadmill walk: On the other hand, a study carried out at The University of Texas (United States); ensures that a walk at a rhythm on the treadmill for 10 weeks, lowers cholesterol in people with obesity.
  4. Baile: While research at Baskent University, Turkey; indicates that dance activities such as aerobic dance are beneficial in reducing cholesterol. “Aerobic dance consists of putting together your own choreography by combining various types of dance, including rhythmic movements such as jumps, movements accompanied by music,” they explain.
  5. Dynamic arm and leg exercises: According to a study carried out in the American Heart Association, low-intensity, dynamic exercises, They comprise the contraction of muscles with movement and are performed for a long time. “Each exercise session should last between 30 and 45 minutes at least 3 times a week.”
  6. Exercises with elastic bands: “Muscular exercise with elastic bands lowers cholesterol from 215 to 191 mg/dl, bad LDL from 120 to 106 mg/dl and increases HDL from 43 to 48 mg/dl in 4 months”, indicates a study carried out at University of Queensland.
  7. Nadar: It is one of the most appropriate options for people who like to get out of their comfort zone. Performing exercises related to this discipline favors the prevention once morest cardiovascular diseases. Likewise, its constant practice is very beneficial for heart health, lungs and muscle strengthening.
  8. Complementary habits: Aerobic exercise is a good alternative to treat high cholesterol. However, regular exercise alone may not work. You have to start healthy habits, In addition, it is necessary to try to carry out periodic medical check-ups to determine what the blood cholesterol levels are, ”say the different studies.



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