“Long COVID” found in more teenagers than children indicate the incubation period effect on illness

Covid situation in Thailand during the past week Even though the number of new infections is still high But it tends to improve. While this year’s global death toll (2022) is brutal, it’s the worst. When people are affected by COVID It has officially killed 1 million people. As a result, the total global death toll since the outbreak in 2020 to date has exceeded 6.4 million. World Health Organization came out to point out that “Don’t trust that covid is peaceful” and “Shouldn’t use the word “learning to live with COVID” when, within a year, COVID It has swallowed up to 1 million people, urging governments around the world to speed up vaccination. To protect medical personnel, people, including people at risk for up to 70% of the population, but so far, it has been found that there are up to 136 countries around the world. In addition, there is another problem that is no less worrisome, namely symptoms. “Try Covid” which ranges from mild symptoms to the point of deteriorating the body and has long-term effects ranging from several weeks Until several months following recovering from being sick with covid!!!

“Long Covid” causes impact on life.

by Assoc.Prof.Dr. Teera Woratanarat from the Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University publish information Research Faculty from the University of Geneva Hospital Switzerland Published the results of the research in the Journal of Medical Sciences on 25 Aug. ago. The study included a population of 1,383 adults with a mean age of 44.3 years, and regarding 60% were women, half of whom had no history of underlying disease. In essence, 767 people have been infected with COVID-19, and up to 37% have had problems with COVID-19. with persistent or abnormal symptoms 7 months following infection Of the patients who had tried covid-19 following 15 months of follow-up, 47.9% had recovered and 52.1% had chronic symptoms. in the group with persistent symptoms will have a higher rate of needing medical care and affecting daily living and having a worse quality of life The research also suggests that risk factors associated with long-term coronavirus trials include being sick with multiple symptoms at the time of infection. Suffering from insomnia for 7 months

by the latest information from the Brookings Institute It estimates the impact of Long COVID in the United States, finding that there are currently regarding 16 million people aged 18-65 who are experiencing 2-4 million people who are struggling with COVID-19, unable to work. This represents $170 billion per year in lost revenue. Although the above information is a macro assessment. But for Thailand, the number of infections has been at a very high level in the past. Should be aware of the importance of the impact that will occur from Long Covid as well. both at the national level Business level, department store, family, individual level, not just labor but also includes tasks that require brain and skill. Medical data from current global research studies It is clear that Long Covid has a problem from many mechanisms. Either a chronic infection or residual viral fragments in the body. chronic inflammatory process Abnormal functioning of cells in various organs of the body from destruction following infection It is best to prevent yourself from being infected.

Researchers find “teenagers” have problems.try covidMore than “little kids”

In addition, the research team from the University of Geneva Hospital Switzerland It also published a study that looked at the prevalence of Long-Covid in children under 18 who had been infected with COVID-19. compared to uninfected people. The key was found children infected with coronavirus Having trouble trying covids causes 9.1% of all abnormal symptoms. Teenagers 12-17 years old are more likely to have problems trying covids than young children. The most common abnormalities include: Problems with smelling, lack of concentration, abdominal pain. The results of the study reflected the importance of parents and teachers in caring for children. To educate and practice skills to protect yourself from infection. Adjust the environment to have good ventilation. If the child has been infected before Parents should notice Assess the child’s health in terms of physical, emotional, concentration, etc. If anything is found wrong, consult a doctor for diagnosis. and take proper care in a timely manner

indicates a short incubation period tend to be severely ill

In addition to the problem of the impact of COVID-19, there are also data from research revealing the incubation period of the coronavirus. various species Likely associated with illness by Wu Y et al from China. reviewed research on the average incubation period for COVID Classified by different species Published in the international medical journal JAMA Network Open on Aug. 22, the essence is the strain of the disease virus.Covid-19 have an average incubation period The duration of infection (the time from infection to onset of symptoms) was continuously shortened, as follows: alpha onset of infection took regarding 5 days, beta strain took 4.5 days, delta species took 4.41 days, and This year’s omikron strain It took a shorter time to 3.42 days.

The results of this study indicated that alpha and beta strains were has an incubation period with the original strain that began to spread in Wuhan, China (regarding 5.2 days), but the strains that have spread since the middle of last year, Delta and Omicron, have significantly shorter incubation periods. If you try to classify according to the severity of the disease. It is found that people who are infected are severely ill. People who are infected tend to have a shorter incubation period than people who are infected with less symptoms. The benefits of this research help us determine the nature of disease. and keep an eye out for any abnormal symptoms following a history of close contact with an infected person and daily life needs to be realized and care for the health of themselves and their family members Wearing a mask correctly is key. That will greatly reduce the risk.

Confirming that 5+5 treatment guidelines are suitable as a consensus of Prof.

As for the case of academics and doctors expressing objection, Prof. agrees to prescribe guidelines for treating coviral patients from 7 + 3 days, which is for patients to isolate for 7 days for treatment and to observe symptoms for 3 days to 5+. 5 days is to isolate for 5 days for treatment and 5 days to observe symptoms until it turns into an argument. Anutin Charnvirakul, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Health He gave an interview that the NCPO resolution was considered legal and practical. which before the resolution came out, it had to be screened from the small batch of Prof. and representatives of the Medical Department have considered together treatment guidelines It has been updated all the time. considering the epidemic situation And the severity of the disease, the 5+5 approach is considered appropriate for people to practice and be safe when it is a consensus of the CCC, and it is considered effective according to the law. The part that found that some provinces still encountered periodic outbreaks or Small Wave, confirmed that the hospitals There are doctors, beds, medicines and medical supplies.

Explain the use of the “Communicable Diseases Act” to control the spread of COVID-19

As for the draft of the Communicable Disease Act B.E. Mr. Anutin explained that Now there is still a fixed The Emergency Decree is part of the Communicable Diseases Act. To continue to control the Covid situation, the Emergency Decree must be canceled first, which is the power of General Prayut Chan-o-cha, Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, maintaining the Emergency Decree There has been an interpretation of legal powers. so that the provincial governor has more confidence in using his powers to control the disease, such as giving the governor powers In order to close the service place, otherwise the operator may sue.

Thailand has enough effective vaccines. stimulant injection

in addition Mr. Anutin also mentions the case The United States plans to use the second-generation Pfizer vaccine in September, saying Thailand will have to wait for the company to file a complaint. Therefore, people are encouraged to receive the needle as much as possible. because there is evidence confirming that the recipient of the 4th needle is not severely ill and does not die There is also a Sinovac vaccine for young children aged 3 years and older, and a vaccine research for young children aged 6 months and older has asked licensees to provide information. From the manufacturer to register for an extension of the injection period with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Author: Hongmen

Graphic : Varanya.p



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