[정치]Special Inspector General’s Office with a budget of 10 billion won, ‘idle’ for 6 years


Another controversial issue is the appointment of a special inspectorate who inspects the president and people around the president.

The budget for the special inspector’s office, which has been idle for six years, has reached a whopping 10 billion won, but the political circles are only repeating battles and cannot come up with a solution for appointing inspectors.

This is reporter Shin Ji-won.


The Special Inspector’s Office seen through the glass door.

At first glance, it seems sluggish.

There are only 3 people working.

At one time, there was a time when up to 30 people worked, but during the six years when the special inspectorate position was vacant, the number of manpower decreased to one-tenth.

[특별감찰관실 관계자 : 파견 공무원 두 분하고 자체 채용인력 한 분. 이렇게 세 분 있습니다. 지금 이제 법이 규정이 되어있기 때문에 조직을 간신히 유지하고 있는 딱 그겁니다. 관리 유지 기능만 지금 하고 있는 겁니다.]

The budget for this year’s budget for the Special Inspector General’s Office, which has three employees, is regarding 1 billion won.

Of this, 60% was set for basic expenses such as labor costs and purchase costs.

Since 2015, when the Office of the Special Inspector General was launched, the total budget invested until this year is KRW 14.3 billion.

The budget for special inspection activities, which is the original task, accounted for more than 70% of the total in the early days, but following the vacancy in the inspectorate, it gradually decreased and was reduced to less than 40%.

A significant portion of that amount is used for office rent.

Without a special inspectorate, the inspection task itself cannot be effectively performed, but the appointment of a successor inspectorate through the recommendation of the National Assembly has not yet been made.

The reason was that during the five years of the Moon Jae-in administration, the scope of inspection overlapped with the scope of the investigation of the high-ranking public officials crime investigation office,

[추미애 / 당시 법무부 장관(2020년 법사위 예산안 심사) : 이런 권력기관의 부패나 비리 근절을 위해서 고위공직자범죄수사처 설치를…. 특검이나 또는 특별감찰관 업무와 중복이 되니까….]

When the Yun Seok-yeol administration came into power, the people’s power was linked to the appointment of a director of the North Korean Human Rights Foundation, which provoked opposition from the opposition.

[주호영 / 국민의힘 비상대책위원장(지난 22일) : 특별감찰관 지명과 북한인권재단 이사 지명 절차를 밟지 않은 것은 국회의 직무 유기라고 생각하고…]

From the budget wastage controversy to the rooftop house controversy.

The key to whether the Special Inspectorate Office is removed or restored is in the hands of the politicians, but it seems difficult to expect a solution right away.

This is YTN Shin Ji-won.

YTN Shin Ji-won ([email protected])

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