Taxes: indexation of the scale? Bercy a lot!


The income tax scale is automatically indexed to the inflation rate. (© DR)

Bruno Le Maire would be well advised to also index inheritance and gift taxes.

“Whether we like it or not, power is personalized. Germany is Adenauer; America is Kennedy; France is de Gaulle. Here, the second constituency [du Gard]it’s Poudevigne”, summed up with his usual modesty and a nice sense of the formula Jean Poudevigne, in the middle of the electoral campaign, in an interview with New Candide in November 1962.

Jean Poudevigne?

This name, which smacks of viticulture, probably doesn’t mean much to you. And yet, this centre-right deputy, from 1958 to 1973, was the linchpin of a text that saves you from paying too much tax each year. At the meeting of October 12, 1967, during the examination of the finance bill for 1968, he thus defended tooth and nail an amendment tabled with the members of the Progrès et Démocratique Moderne group. Its intention is clear: to adjust the brackets of the income tax scale as soon as inflation exceeds the 5% threshold.

“When it was instituted, the general income tax was intended to affect only a minority of taxpayers. From now on, it hits the majority and even, at the rate things are going, it will soon be all of the active people, Jean Poudevigne then ignites in the National Assembly. It has therefore become the most insidious form of taxation, since without Parliament having deliberated on it and by the mere play of its




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