“A clown”; “A work of art”: The androgynous look of Stromae, on the cover of GQ, divides Internet users

“Oh shit! It’s phew how you look like Karine Le Marchand …!”, Balances a user when seeing the collection of pictures posted by the Belgian singer on his Instagram. “The last photo, it looks like Aphrodite knight of the sign of the pisces in the Knights of the Zodiac.”

At the sight of these shots from the men’s magazine GQ, Internet users were both positively surprised (“wow”, “bellissimo”, “it’s a work of art”, “beautiful and majestic”, “the boss” ) but also negatively: “A clown”; “Dumb”; “I prefer you natural”; “Horrible shooting but I forgive you”; “What a shitty look!”

These mixed photos reflect the content of the GQ article, namely the “multiple personalities of a pop star”. The Belgian artist evoking his ambivalences: from his humor to his distress through his eclecticism and the hard subjects he deals with in his songs.



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