13 years after the death of her father, Paris Jackson makes revelations about her life

On July 7, 2009, the world discovered the face of Paris Jackson. On the occasion of the ceremony given to Staples Center from Los Angeles in tribute to her father, Michael Jackson, who died a few days earlier, on June 25, the 11-year-old girl addresses a few words.

The adolescence of Paris Jackson is chaotic. She sinks into depression, makes suicide attempts, suffers from eating disorders, self-mutilates… Now an adult, the daughter of Michael Jackson, engages in a long reconciliation with herself.

She gives an interview to the magazine SPIN and opens up regarding mental health. The 24-year-old young woman confides: I’m happier and healthier than ever “. A well-being that she owes in particular to the fact of having abandoned her ” very nocturnal lifestyle “. Paris Jackson is also undergoing therapy, adopted a healthier lifestyle in “ quitting smoking half a pack of cigarettes a day and playing sports. For a long time, Paris Jackson was disgusted with herself. She learned to love herself. ” When I look in the mirror, I no longer hate what I see, and I have grown in self-love… I try to treat myself with kindness ».

Also to discover: Michael Jackson: at 23, his daughter Paris Jackson is stunningly beautiful… She wears a transparent dress from a French brand

A long rebuild

All is not yet resolved. Paris Jackson confides: I have bad days where I don’t treat myself as well as I would like… I don’t do anything perfectly, but I try to improve daily. »

Paris Jackson is now making a name for herself in music. As for the weight she might feel in the face of the artistic legacy of her father, Michael Jackson, and the comparisons to which she cannot escape, she declares: ” It depends. Some days I feel that pressure, and some days I don’t… The music I make is completely different. I don’t do R&B, soul and funk. »



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