The infallible exercises to mark the waist after 50 years

There are people who exercise in order to improve their health and shape the body. According to Medline Plus, the website of the United States National Library of Medicine, physical inactivity can lead to excess weight and flab, which is of concern to many individuals.

To strengthen muscles, it has always been thought that the only solution is to do strenuous exercise routines, mainly with weights and following rigorous days in the gym. Nevertheless, it is important to focus on the area that requires the most work.

According to what was reported on the portal Bussinnes Insiderlooking toned means “have muscle and enough body fat to see definition”. Seeing these kinds of results takes time and therefore patience. Even this process might take longer than gaining fat, hence the importance of persistence.

One of the most desired to define is the waist and the problem is that, over the years, it can become a little more complicated, because the metabolism and muscles work slower than in youth.

Despite this, the specialized portal woman today listed a series of exercises with which it is possible to mark the waist if they are done regarding three times a week and are combined with weight routines and a balanced diet:

oblique crunches

1. Lie down to the right side of the body.

2. Support the forearm and stretch the legs, putting one on top of the other.

3. Stretch the left arm over the legs.

4. Try to raise your legs a little to touch your ankle with your left arm.

5. Take into account the breath when practicing the exercise.

cross climbers

1. Place the palms of the hands and the tips on the ground.

2. Legs should be shoulder-width apart for better stability.

3. Bring one knee to the opposite arm. That is if the left knee is raised it should be directed towards the right arm.

Dynamic side-by-side planks

1. Place your forearms on the floor along with the balls of your feet.

2. Your forearms should be shoulder-width apart and your legs slightly apart.

3. Gently move your hips from left to right.

In addition to helping tone, regular physical activity prevents the risk of heart diseasestrokes, diabetes and various types of cancer.

Likewise, the website lose weight at home delivered some recommendations to increase muscles and tone the body:

  • Decrease carbohydrate intake: The body converts carbohydrates into glycogen, as they accumulate with water in the liver and muscles, which is why those who follow a low-carbohydrate diet lose weight quickly.
  • Decrease salt intake: This food allows the body to retain fluids, which causes swelling throughout the body. According to a study of American Heart Association, most people require 1,500 milligrams of sodium per day.
  • Drink at most two cups of coffee a day: too much coffee in the diet can lead to overeating and poor night’s sleep. However, it has a diuretic effect and can stimulate the body’s metabolism and fat-burning ability.
  • Perform cardio routines: this also promotes the expulsion of excess salt and liquids, since it helps to expend calories and burn body fat.
  • Add more fiber and protein in the diet: Meals high in these nutrients help with weight loss, as both macronutrients help you feel full on fewer calories.



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