Angola: President Lourenco confirmed in office

Angola’s President Joao Lourenco has been confirmed in office. The ruling MPLA party won the vote in the south-west African country on Aug. 24 by 51.7 percent, the electoral commission said last night. The MPLA receives 124 of the 220 seats in Parliament. The MPLA’s electoral victory automatically means a second five-year term for 68-year-old Lourenco. In the oil-rich country, whichever party wins a simple majority chooses the head of state.


The largest opposition party, Unita, with its leader Adalberto Costa Junior, who had been given good chances in the elections, followed with 44.5 percent and received 90 seats in parliament. When the result was announced, 97.3 percent of the votes had been counted.

Lourenco and his MPLA promise economic reforms, investments in the health sector and an end to widespread corruption. So far, the economy of the former Portuguese colony has mainly focused on oil. However, only a small section of society benefits from the profits. According to the World Bank, a good 56 percent of the population lives in poverty.



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