Exclusive / The national army is likely to explode the “non-commissioned officer shortage”!The registration rate of new students in Lu College is a new low

Exclusive / The national army is likely to explode the “non-commissioned officer shortage”!The registration rate of new students in Lu College is a new low

(Reporter Wang Jionghua/Taipei Report) Due to the tension across the Taiwan Strait and the impact of declining birthrates, the enrollment rate of new students at the Army Academy this year has hit a record low! At the end of June, only 200 new students registered in Lu Zhuan, only 1/4 of the planned enrollment. “Senior cadres are stupid.” The Ministry of National Defense was even more shocked. It urgently decided to extend the registration time for new students, but it was still unable to break through the 300-level enrollment period. In the end, the Army Command offered a “return education” discount, and instead used multiple channels to encourage active duty non-commissioned officers and soldiers to transfer to schools, so that 892 students from Luyuan were enrolled this year.

The Army Junior College is a military school specialized in training non-commissioned officers and cadres of the National Army. It mainly trains high-quality, long-serving non-commissioned officers. The enrollment targets are fresh high school graduates, non-commissioned officers who are in active service without a college degree (including), or above. Soldiers, who have studied for 2 years, are the following non-commissioned officers following graduation, and are an important source of non-commissioned officers and cadres.

The status of the freshmen of Lu College on the day of registration.Flip through Lu Zhuan’s Facebook

A senior general of the Ministry of National Defense said frankly that this wave of insufficient enrollment will lead to a “non-commissioned officer shortage” in the grass-roots troops two years later, facing the problem of insufficient manpower for backbone cadres. Although the Ministry of National Defense has formulated many solutions to solve the problem, the problem of low birthrate is bound to occur. It is an important issue that the national army will face in the future.

In the past, there were three ways to enroll in army colleges, namely, national defense training classes, general admissions and registration. Among them, the national defense training classes recruited 343 boys and 61 girls, totaling 404; general admissions recruited 460 boys and 125 girls. , a total of 585 people; and readers who have not entered the official school following graduation from the Chiang Kai-shek Pre-School can also register for admission. The number of students planned for this part is 20.

Principal Lu Zhuanzhou also greeted the registered students at the school gate and took photos with their families on the day of registration.Flip through Lu Zhuan’s Facebook

However, on June 27 this year, on the day of the registration of new students from Lu College, the number of new students and parents in front of the entrance of Taoyuan Zhongli School was sparse. , Statistics confirmed that only more than 200 people registered, only 1/4 of the planned number.

Offered a “return education” discount to strongly persuade draftees to switch schools

According to people familiar with the matter, following the deadline for registration that day, the senior cadres of Lu Zhuan were stupid and immediately reported to the Army Command and the Ministry of National Defense. The Army Command immediately asked Lu Zhuan to immediately contact the admitted students that night, informing them that they can come to the school within a week to complete the supplementary report. to the procedure.

Non-commissioned officers are the backbone of the national army’s grass-roots units, so the lack of non-commissioned officers will affect the operation of the entire army.profile photo

However, according to the whistleblower, many parents are afraid of the current tension between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and are reluctant to let their children report and join the army. A week later, only a few students completed the re-registration procedures, and the total number of new students was still less than 300.

In order to fear that there will be a serious shortage of junior non-commissioned officers following two years, the Army Command immediately offered a “return education” discount, and ordered new training centers, recruiting teams, and troops at all levels of the Army to strongly persuade those who are undergoing 4-month military training. Draftsmen and soldiers in service who have just been promoted from soldier to non-commissioned officer are recommended to transfer to the Army College.

Since this administrative requirement is listed as one of the performance items of each unit, following 3 weeks of hard work, more than 500 new students have been successfully recruited. On July 15th, more than 500 people directly reported to the Army Officers Academy for the three military and nine schools (including the army, navy, and air force officer schools, the National Defense University Political and Warfare, Management, Polytechnic, National Defense Medical College, Army Junior College and Air Force Aviation Technology). College) Joint Enlisted Student Training. After a lot of tossing and turning, the Army College finally successfully recruited 892 students this year, but was still 117 short of the 1,009 scheduled enrollment posts.

If there is a shortage of non-commissioned officers at the basic level of the national army, it will affect the national army’s defense and combat capability.profile photo

The Army Command pointed out that, in order to enhance the willingness of active duty non-commissioned officers and soldiers to study in the military, it has organized troop tours and one-day experience activities, continuously consolidated the willingness of applicants to study, and revised the enrollment method in a rolling manner. The effectiveness of school application and the improvement of the overall quality of non-commissioned officers.

The general’s judgment: the low registration rate of Lu’s freshmen should be affected by the epidemic

The Army Command emphasized that active duty non-commissioned officers and soldiers participating in the return education will be paid according to their original class during their studies; non-commissioned officers will be given priority to return to their original units to serve following graduation. It will be more helpful to consolidate the grass-roots combat power of the Army by selecting and filling positions in military divisions and service units and transferring them to the standing army.

Is it due to the tension between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait that the registration rate of Lu College students has hit a record low? The general of the Ministry of National Defense stated that this year, the number of 1,802 members of the three military and six schools (the three military academies, the National Defense University, the National Defense Medical College, and the Air Force Aviation Technology College) enlisted in the training program. ), 1,714 people registered (95.1%), which has not decreased compared to the past few years. It is concluded that the decrease in the registration rate of Lu Zhuan has nothing to do with the tension between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.

The general also pointed out that the analysis and investigation showed that the registration rate of the new students of Lu College was relatively low, which was related to the raging epidemic in the past two years and the inability of recruiters to enter the campus. Due to the impact of the epidemic, the work cannot be done properly, and there will be a serious shortage of registration numbers. The Ministry of National Defense has formed a special team to review and improve.

Ling media original website:Exclusive / The national army is likely to explode the “non-commissioned officer shortage”!The registration rate of new students in Lu College is a new low



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