A strange association between Parkinson’s and low-fat products

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The researchers found that people who choose only one product from the Dairy products Low-fat daily can increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease by more than a third, compared to those who eat less than one low-fat dairy product per week.

The researchers concluded that the higher the intake of low-fat dairy products, the greater the chance of developing a disease Parkinson’s At some point in life.

The study, which was published in the journal "Neurology"in the consumption of dairy products and health information for more than 120 thousand people for almost 25 years.

The researchers noted that eating low-fat dairy products does not cause Parkinson’s disease, but there is some kind of link between the disease and"Quantity" However, the reason for this connection in reality remains unclear.

Experts said the link defies old health advice calling for eliminating fat from diets.

Parkinson’s disease is a condition that affects the brain, causing problems such as shaking and stiffness that get worse over time.

The study’s lead author, Catherine C. Hughes, of Harvard University, said: "The results provide evidence of a modest increase in the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease with increased consumption of products Low-fat dairy".

The researchers confirmed that only one percent of regarding 6000 people in the study who ate at least three servings of low-fat dairy products daily, developed Parkinson’s disease.


The researchers found that people who choose only one product from the Dairy products Low-fat daily can increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease by more than a third, compared to those who eat less than one low-fat dairy product per week.

The researchers concluded that the higher the intake of low-fat dairy products, the greater the chance of developing a disease Parkinson’s At some point in life.

The study, published in the journal Neurology, looked at the dairy consumption and health information of more than 120,000 people for regarding 25 years.

The researchers note that eating low-fat dairy products does not cause Parkinson’s disease, but rather there is some kind of association between the disease and the “amount” of dairy products that an individual eats, but the reason for this connection in reality is still unclear.

Experts said the link defies old health advice calling for eliminating fat from diets.

Parkinson’s disease is a condition that affects the brain, causing problems such as shaking and stiffness that get worse over time.

The study’s lead author, Catherine C Hughes, of Harvard University, said: ‘The results provide evidence of a modest increase in the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease with increased consumption of food products. Low-fat dairy“.

The researchers confirmed that only one percent of regarding 6000 people in the study who ate at least three servings of low-fat dairy products daily, developed Parkinson’s disease.



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