All you need to know about the signs of vitamin B12 deficiency in the body

Play Vitamin B12 Not only does it help boost energy and increase metabolism, but it also works to develop brain and nerve cells and facilitate DNA production as well, vitamin B12 deficiency among people is more common than you think, and symptoms can range from extreme fatigue, problems to Mood, skin changes to more serious illnesses such as digestive problems, unusual memory loss, high heart rate, and difficulty breathing, according to

How can I get vitamin B12?

Since our bodies cannot produce vitamin B12, the best way to get adequate amounts of this vital nutrient is through natural sources such as animal products consisting of seafood, eggs, poultry and some forms of dairy, although some vegetables and legumes contain the vitamin. B12, however, does not provide as many nutrients as non-vegetarian foods.

What happens if vitamin B12 deficiency in the body?

Vitamin B12 is one of the necessary nutrients that help maintain the health of the nervous system, and maintain the general health of the body as well. B12 To permanent neurological damage, a healthy body notes that early manifestations are generally subtle or asymptomatic, however if neurological problems appear, they may be irreversible.

What are the signs of vitamin B12 deficiency?

The British National Health Service lists (NHS) Neurological problems that one may face if he lacks vitamin B12 in the body.

vision problems

– memory loss

– prick

Damage to parts of the nervous system (peripheral neuropathy), especially in the legs.

What other symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency?

Aside from ‘neural damage’, a vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to a variety of other symptoms, including::

– fatigue

– a headache

– Pale skin, yellow

Digestive problems

– Inflammation of the mouth and tongue

Tingling sensation in hands and feet.

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