Bocaranda Runrunes: STOP – THE FRIEND LULA

“There are no irreplaceable presidents. That does not exist… I would like for Venezuela what I want for Brazil”, said Lula da Silva


Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, current candidate for the Presidency of Brazil, advocated this Monday 8/22 for the holding of free elections in Venezuela. In a press conference with international media, the former president assured that he defends alternation in power and wants both Venezuela and his country to have that possibility of change: “There are no irreplaceable presidents. That does not exist… I would like for Venezuela what I want for Brazil. I want the elections to be freer, for the results to be followed,” remarked the leader of the Workers’ Party, according to what Monitoreamos reported.

However, Lula rejected the policy adopted by countries of the European Union and the United States of recognizing Juan Guaidó as interim president of Venezuela, whom he called an impostor.


The Argentine ambassador in Venezuela, Óscar Laborde, established a position on the issue of the Venezuelan-Iranian plane by assuring that the ship is “kidnapped” in Buenos Aires by court order. Given these accusations, the opposition of the southern country demanded the resignation of the diplomat for aligning himself with the Chavista discourse. In an interview offered by AM 750 radio in Buenos Aires, Laborde stated that “there is a feeling of injustice among the Venezuelan people.”

Argentine political leaders argued that the ambassador is “defending” the interests of the Chavista dictatorship. Last week, a delegation headed by the deputy and red-hot soldier Pedro Carreño handed Laborde a document protesting the retention of the plane. On that occasion, the official complained to the PSU leader for his insults once morest Argentine President Alberto Fernández. Perhaps now, with prosecutor Diego Luciani’s request to Imprison Vice President Cristina Kirchner for 12 years After demonstrating the vast corruption in which he has been involved, the Argentine diplomat changes his mind or his destination…



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