Egyptian Superstar Amir Karara Lands In PUBG Mobile

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PUBG MOBILE, the acclaimed battle royale game that has taken the local gaming scene by storm, has announced a new partnership with Egyptian superstar Amir Karara for a mysterious final mission with exclusive in-game items.

No one seems more fitting for the role than the regional king of action, who has spent the last decade touching our hearts with his adrenaline-pumping films and series like “Al Ikhtiyar”, “Kalabsh” and “ Harb Karmuz”.

The new patch will include an Amir Karara voice pack with matching avatar, avatar frame, and special area reward in addition to in-game goods. Once they complete the assigned missions, players are free to enjoy of those gifts and rewards, maybe even spending them to upgrade your Karara avatar.

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The mission will go live on August 22 and will be available to all players in the region until August 31.

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