Product recall: this powdered tea contains toxic and potentially carcinogenic substances

Reminder Conso reports the presence of a toxic agent in boxes of powdered matcha tea, notably sold by Casino and Carrefour. The batch concerned is recalled.

After a shredded chicken from the Auchan brand, and pig ears sold by Système U and Intermarché, it is the turn of boxes of matcha tea to be recalled. Carrefour, Géant Casino and traditional shops ask their customers to bring back this product sold throughout France, alert Drink reminder.

A rate above the norm of carcinogenic substances

THS brand matcha tea powder would contain benzo(a)pyrene et polycyclic hydrocarbons in concentrations above the norm. These substances are said to be toxic and carcinogenic according to the National Institute for Research and Safety for the prevention of accidents at work and occupational diseases.

The recall does not affect all boxes of matcha tea, only lot 2022059217 sold between May 4 and August 17, 2022. Consumers are advised to destroy the product, return it to their point of sale and request a refund. The latter will be offered until October 17, 2022. A contact number is available: 06 33 59 75 91.



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