Carlos Tejos launches scoop on Zalo Reyes: reveals why he rejected a recent TV interview

The entertainment journalist Carlos Tejos referred to the death of Zalo Reyesicon of Chilean popular music who died at the age of 69.

Through Twitter, the communicator highlighted that “a great figure of Chilean popular music, one who made the so-called onion music a success and gave it its deserved seat, has died.”

“His artistic legacy and his contribution to the Chilean cultural heritage remain in memory. Rest in peace, Conchalí sparrow ”, he added.

This Monday, in an interview with Pleased to meet youthe renowned communicator delved into the news that shakes an entire country.

“I have the latest background, the reporting and we are going to discover things that came later, even a scoop,” warned Tejos in the morning of Mega.

“I interviewed Zalo a couple of times and Zalo always commented that if he had been born in Argentina or Mexico, the story would have been different. In terms of the Chilean media, the television industry, always took advantage of a little figure and tried to take it not to the seat it deserves, “continued the communicator.

He also explained that “Zalo Reyes broke with the classism of our society. And television is a reflection of this, in terms that the poor, the children of the neighborhood, should not be on television. He broke that pattern.”

The first fruits of Carlos Tejos

Later, he revealed that “in Martín Cárcamo’s program, De Tú a Tú, they tried to take him, but he resisted despite the millions of pesos they offered him, since he knew they were going to take him to those areas of the ridicule that so many had during his career.

Finally, he revealed that “the SCD was going to pay him a tribute last July. It was postponed until October, and there is a song… and this is the scoop, for Mucho Gusto to hit… there is a song composed by Adrián Castillo, a musician very close to him, who showed it to him a few months ago. It is a tribute song, a cueca in homage to Zalo Reyes, who sought to adorn him”.



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