Former F1 driver Jos Verstappen, “I’m proud” after the WRC debut[]

Former F1 driver Jos Verstappen completed all stages on the final day of the WRC Ypres Rally Belgium.

Max Verstappen thought he was “crazy” heading into the World Rally Championship regarding a year and a half following his father started rallying, but Jos Vestappen held on to the finish line.

However, given my inexperience, I ran into a bit of a stumbling block along the way.

Jos Verstappen’s second day at the wheel of the Citroën C3 was a little shorter than he would have liked. A run off the track in the opening stages of the followingnoon session marked the end of the day for the former F1 driver.

“It’s a shame because we were doing well,” Verstappen told of the incident.
“Nothing really out of the ordinary happened on that stage. I turned in but it was a little too late and the outside tire was just a little bit in the gravel and I was a passenger.”

“I mightn’t help it anymore and slid down into a dry ditch at low speed. That’s all and the day is over. It’s a typical Ypres threat and it got us down. I’m still inexperienced. is doing”

There was no such drama for Jos Verstappen on the third and final day of action.

The final day consisted of four stages on two tracks, each run twice, with Jos Verstappen finishing 25th, 26th, 24th and 25th.

Overall, Jos Verstappen said he was happy with the result he produced and proud to have reached the finish line in his first WRC.

“Everything went well today. My limited knowledge of the track affects me, but that’s why we are here and competing in this rally. Learning and gaining experience.”

“It was the first time for me and the navigator to drive Ypres and we knew how difficult Ypres would be, so Saturday was a surprise.”

“That retirement was very disappointing. Otherwise we would have been in good places. But it was nice to drive today and I’m happy with the result. We learned a lot. I am very proud to have finished.”

Jos Verstappen WRC World Rally Championship

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Category: F1 / Max Verstappen / WRC (World Rally Championship)



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