The King calls for facilitating the return of Moroccan talents abroad

King Mohammed VI gave directives to facilitate the return of Moroccan talents abroad and urged banks and public authorities to facilitate their investment in their homeland.

“Public institutions and the national finance and business sector are invited to open up to investors from the expatriate community, and to adopt, to this end, effective mechanisms for sponsorship, support and partnership with Moroccans. residing abroad, for the benefit of all,” the monarch said in a speech marking the 69th anniversary of the Revolution of King and People.

He also stressed the need to modernize the institutional framework governing Moroccans abroad and called for a strengthening of the role of existing institutions serving expatriates.

“Morocco needs all its sons and daughters today. It needs all the skills and expertise of the Moroccan community abroad, either to reside and work in Morocco, or to engage in different partnerships, from the country of residence,” the King said.

“I therefore insist on the need to create a lasting structural link with Moroccan experts and talents abroad, including Moroccan Jews,” he said.

The number of the Moroccan community living abroad is estimated at 5 million people, to which are added hundreds of thousands of Jews of Moroccan origin.

“I call once once more on Moroccan youth and project leaders residing abroad to make the most of the many investment opportunities in Morocco, as well as the incentives and guarantees offered by the new charter of the investment,” said the King.



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