4,000 to 8,000 francs: politicians want to double AHV pensions

published22. August 2022, 04:42

4000 to 8000 francsPoliticians want to double AHV pensions

Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf wants women to work more to get a better pension. Left-wing politicians have another idea: massively expand the AHV.

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The second pillar is to be abolished and the AHV expanded: National Councilor Stefania Prezioso Batou (Ensemble à gauche) is proposing this in a parliamentary initiative.

20 min/Monika Flueckiger

Danielle Axelroud, finance specialist at Economiefeministe, agrees.  This means that unpaid and paid work would be taken into equal account in old-age pensions.

Danielle Axelroud, finance specialist at Economiefeministe, agrees. This means that unpaid and paid work would be taken into equal account in old-age pensions.


SP National Councilor Tamara Funiciello also supports Stefania Prezioso's initiative.  Several other parliamentarians co-signed it.

SP National Councilor Tamara Funiciello also supports Stefania Prezioso’s initiative. Several other parliamentarians co-signed it.


  • Politicians want to massively expand the AHV and abolish pension funds. An AHV pension should therefore be between 4,000 and 8,000 francs.

  • This requires a parliamentary initiative by Geneva National Councilor Stefania Prezioso.

  • Several politicians from the left-wing parties are in favor – Prezioso also hopes for the support of the bourgeoisie.

Politicians from the trade unions and the left-wing parties do not want to raise the retirement age for women, and they do not believe in ex-Federal Councilor Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf’s demand that every woman be employed at least 70 percent.

Instead, they are calling for a total restructuring of old-age provision: the second pillar is to be abolished and the AHV massively expanded. Specifically, the AHV pensions are to be raised to CHF 4,000 (minimum pension) up to a maximum of CHF 8,000. This requires a parliamentary initiative by Geneva National Councilor Stefania Prezioso (Ensemble à gauche). Occupational pensions would no longer be constitutionally required, but the Federal Council might enact rules on individual savings.

According to Stefania Prezioso, occupational pensions are on uncertain ground for a number of reasons. “First of all, it doesn’t reach many women at all because their working hours are too low. Second, their funding is highly uncertain in today’s environment.” A system change towards more equality is needed for old-age pensions. This will be achieved by integrating the second into the first pillar, says the Geneva native. “The total of the work must be reflected in the pension, the paid as well as the unpaid work.”

“Women already work the same amount today”

SP National Councilor Tamara Funiciello supports the initiative, which was also signed by several MPs from the SP and the Greens. Prezioso believes the initiative will gain support beyond the left camp. “Integrating the second pillar into the first is a brilliant idea. Many parliamentarians are aware that a comprehensive reform is needed in old-age provision.”

Financial specialist Danielle Axelroud from Economiefeministe is also a supporter. She doesn’t believe in the demand that women should work higher hours. «Women already work as much as men today, even a little more. But most of her work is unpaid,” says the French-speaking Swiss. In Switzerland, 9.2 billion hours are worked unpaid and 7.9 billion hours are paid every year. The problem is the lack of financial and organizational support.

In her opinion, the solution lies in the AHV – this would have to be massively expanded, and pensions doubled, she says. “With the AHV, we have a good system that takes unpaid work into account through care credits. Only the pensions are too small to live on.” Axelroud hopes that the younger generation will even out the unequal distribution of paid and unpaid work. But change is happening very slowly. Therefore, a system change and an expansion of pensions are needed.

Daniel Axelroud will appear in front of the media on Monday together with SP National Councilor Min Li Marti and Green Councilor Maya Graf to campaign for a no to the AHV bill. This on behalf of the Equality First! Committee.

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