Cuban migrants will not be sent to another state, clarifies the Florida government in the face of criticism of its plan

Given the reactions and criticism of the plan to deport migrants to another state, the Republican government of Florida clarified that Cubans will not be included in that policy.

The plan, announced in a radio interview by Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Núñez, consists of removing illegal immigrants from Florida. These will be sent to Joe Biden’s home state, as punishment for the Democrat’s immigration policy.

Precisely under Biden’s mandate, hundreds of thousands of immigrants have arrived in the United States, including more than 170,000 Cubans. This would have been unthinkable during the administration of Donald Trump, due to his anti-immigrant policy.

“The state doesn’t have jurisdiction over immigration, but we do have jurisdiction over the well-being of our residents and our communities, and that’s why the governor worked with the Legislature to raise funds and try to ensure that those people who come here illegally don’t We are going to remain with our arms crossed, we are not going to think regarding what we can do, and we are going to send them very frankly to the state of Delaware, to the state of the president”, assured the lieutenant governor during the interview on the program “Cada tarde”, of News Radio (WURN-1040 AM).

Núñez said she was alarmed by the arrival of thousands of Cubans in Florida.

“It is irresponsible on the part of Biden and his entire administration not to deal with this issue. This is going to be worse than Mariel. Worse than all the shock of the ’80s, and just doing nothing is not an option,” Nunez added.

Tailor-made criticism, and rectification regarding Cubans

The reactions to the plan announced by the lieutenant governor, Cuban-American by the way, were immediate. From the Democratic side they reproached her for sending the Cubans to another state far from her relatives following emigrating from the Island.

Journalist Marc Caputo, from the NBC network, said it was “amazing” that precisely a Cuban-American woman wanted to expel her fellow immigrants from Miami.

Faced with the wave of criticism, the campaign office of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis clarified today that the Cubans will not be expelled from the state. According to this office, the words of the lieutenant governor were taken out of context.

Thus, only those who arrive illegally in Florida will be sent to another state. Instead, according to this reinterpretation, someone who arrived in Miami on a raft “to escape communist repression” is not illegal, because he is a refugee.

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