Isn’t great who wants!

AApproved by referendum, initialed by the President of the Republic and intended to break with a black decade which transformed Tunisia from better to worse, the new Constitution is questioned by what remains of the parties which still claim to speak in the name of the people .

Between imagined credibility and real credibility, Ennahdha and the Salvation Front continue to assert themselves in a false debate. A bubble of disarray and bewilderment is still there. For the overwhelming majority of Tunisians, it would be linked to a lost degree of reliability. The declarations and the arguments evoked are in fact only a pretext that says infinitely much regarding men, but also women, who are increasingly adrift.

In the same register and for lack of a successful integration, many might not reach a providential statute. Do they realize today that they no longer have any impact on Tunisians? Do they recognize the impossibility of passing for references that can mark and write the history of Tunisia? Do they finally have the courage to admit that they had benefited from a special status and great media hype, often even unconditional and most of the time wrongly? Even if they do not fail each time to take the whistles they deserve, they still believe that the people will still be grateful to them to see their limits exposed and paraded wherever they intervene.

New stage and new priorities, we cannot ignore the imperative of the changes necessary to breathe new life into the political landscape. Enhancement in all that has to do with political life, once morest a background of rectification of the whole process, is more than ever desired.

More than words and promises, Tunisian men and women today expect actions, programs and strategies from the political class. For more than a decade, they were punished by the lack of inspiration of the political parties which succeeded each other in power. By the absence of initiative and anticipation. By the lack of influence and control over social, economic and financial registers. By the emergence of an infertile and uncreative system. Even going so far as to compromise the specific virtues of an innovative political model, and above all capable of ensuring the democratic transition so much sought following and hoped for.



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