Research: Dark energy comes from cosmic voids to accelerate the expansion of the universe | Cosmic Web | Cosmic expansion

[The Epoch Times, August 22, 2022](The Epoch Times reporter Di Rui compiled and reported) A group of scientists proposed that there are a large number of and huge in the universe.hollowstructure, perhaps the mysterydark energysource, and together promote the expansion of the universe.

hollowThe largest “celestial body” in the universe

Scientists have found that the galaxies, constellations and other substances in the universe are not evenly distributed in the universe. Some of these substances are connected together to form a long silk-like structure; From a macroscopic point of view, these substances show a network structure in the cosmic space, also called “cosmic web」。

And the areas outside the lines in the universe, that is, a large number of voids, from the existing observation conditions, there is nothing inside. These regions are quite large, with the smallest spans spanning 20 million light-years, and the largest found so far at 160 million light-years. Imagine the shape of a spider web, and it is not difficult to understand that most of the space in the universe is occupied by this hollow structure.

If the void is also regarded as a celestial structure, it can be said that the void is the largest object in the universe. Scientists first discovered empty regions in the universe in the 1970s, but because there was nothing in them, they didn’t get much research and attention. Scientists are studying more visible matter such as various stars and galaxies.

Mysterious power or from the void

In modern times, from the study of visible matter, scientists still touch on some invisible mysterious matter and power.Because only from the perspective of various forces between visible matter, there are still many unanswered questions, such as what force is drivingcosmic expansionand is it accelerated expansion?

Scientists have put forward many theories to try to explain these invisible substances, one of the important theories isdark energyThe presence. The new study builds on that with an updated idea: voids are where dark energy comes from. The research was published on the preprint website arXiv in July and has been accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

In an article in Live Science, Paul Sutter, a professor of astrophysics at Stony Brook University in the United States, introduced the study, saying that within a star system or galaxy, thecosmic expansionThe feeling is not obvious, for example, the solar system and the Milky Way are not obviously getting bigger. This may be because the gravitational pull between the massive amounts of visible matter inside these regions outweighs the effect of dark energy on them. However, those huge void areas are more obviously affected by dark energy. So scientists began to consider that it is worth studying dark energy from the perspective of the void.

This study not only found that the role of dark energy in the cavity is obvious, but also believes that the cavity is the source of dark energy.

Empty or will be dismantledcosmic web

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Since there is nothing in the void, how could it cause the universe to expand? This research believes that void is also a form of matter, and it also has a development and evolution process from small to large.

This study believes that billions of years ago, the distribution of various stars in the universe was relatively uniform, but later, some regions with slightly larger mass of matter were able to attract more matter, resulting in their larger mass and thus larger gravitational pull attracts more matter. After billions of years of evolution, matter gathered to form various celestial structures such as galaxies, star clusters, and constellations.

At the same time, the area from which the material was siphoned off became hollow, and the area that was already hollow also kept getting bigger. The study found that the void structure doesn’t just passively grow, its growth puts pressure on surrounding structures. For example, the boundary walls between galaxies gradually thinned and then disintegrated, causing the cavities that had been divided to merge together. In a few billion years, the void is likely to dismantle the entire cosmic web structure, causing future galaxies, star clusters and other matter to be like isolated islands in the ocean, separated from each other by the void, hundreds of millions of light-years apart.

This study proposes that the overall force of dismantling the cosmic web by a large number of voids in the universe is very large, driving the accelerated expansion of the universe. Their model shows that this void-driven accelerated expansion of the universe is consistent with the accelerated expansion predicted by dark energy theory.

Of course, scientists need further research to test this theory. Sutter said that on the one hand, it is necessary to calculate the number of voids in the universe, and then calculate the dismantling ability of all voids. On the other hand, it is necessary to probe whether the power of dark energy has changed significantly over the past few billion years. In this way, it can be verified whether the pushing expansion effect of the void is the effect mentioned by the dark energy theory. ◇

Responsible editor: Li Qiong#

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