Doctolib accused of promoting unrecognized medicines

The Doctolib medical appointment platform is strongly criticized for offering profiles of certain practitioners practicing unrecognized medicinesreports The Parisian.

Unregulated practices

“I discovered while typing by chance that you offer consultations… naturopathy. […] Do you realize that your seal validates them? », challenges a resuscitator doctor on Twitter, pointing in particular to consultations with unrecognized practitioners at 80 €.

Practitioners in particular warn once morest the profiles of naturopaths, some of whose practices, such as self-healing or Reiki treatments, are sometimes called into question by Miviludes, the interministerial mission which warns of sectarian aberrations.

“The fact that there are profiles of naturopaths on the most powerful platform for access to care, which had a public service mission for anti-Covid vaccination, that disturbed me a little”, testified the doctor to the Parisian .

A minority of profiles

For its part, Doctolib responds on Twitter that the pages in question bear the mention: “This practitioner exercises an unregulated profession”, next to which there is a “learn more” information bubble: “The unregulated professions present on Doctolib offer acts that can take place in addition to conventional care, in order to contribute to the well-being of patients. Their diploma is not recognized by the State. »

“On this subject, society is changing and, for example, certain patient associations are promoting access to complementary therapies. We consider that it is not the role of Doctolib to settle these debates”, add Doctolib.

With the Ile-de-France newspaper, the platform highlights that the number of practitioners “in the field of well-being or medico-social” represents only 3% of its repertoire.

She also adds “that it is impossible for a patient to make an appointment with a practitioner not referenced by the Ministry of Health without having expressly sought to do so” : “Under no circumstances will a patient who is looking for a doctor by his specialty (general practitioner), a keyword (gynecological follow-up) or a pathology (breast cancer) come across a professional not listed with the Ministry of Health.

On social networks, other Internet users have also increased criticism, noting in particular the case of practitioners struck off by the Order of Physicians, whose contact details are still on the platform.



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