A new molecule against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases

Cuba remains at the forefront in the development of medical treatments for humanity, especially for hitherto intractable suffering such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

By Teodoro Rentería Arróyave*

Furthermore, the island is ready to transfer its technologies to other nations without profit, as has always been the motto of the Cuban Revolution.

In an interview conducted during his visit to Mexico by colleagues from the daily La Jornada, Carolina Gómez and Laura Poy, Héctor Vera Cuesta, director of the International Center for Neurological Restoration (CIREN), reported on the development of new technologies for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

He explained that from a molecule discovered by Cuban scientists from CIREN, and from the advance represented by the substance NeuroEPO, neurons are prevented from continuing the process of degeneration and this improves the quality of life. patients.

The mechanism of the molecule is neuro-protective and, explained the scientist, it prevents neurons from degenerating until they die. “Our treatment, what it does is prolong the life of these nervous system cells a little bit more, so the symptoms are more spaced out, and the disease doesn’t progress as quickly,” said he explained.

The Cuban neurologist, an expert in medical genetics, added that the results in patients with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s have been “spectacular”. The study began in patients with Parkinson’s disease and revealed that this substance improved their motor state, but much more the cognitive part.

He felt that it is one of the molecules “which will give something to talk regarding in the world. We recently published a joint paper with the Neuroscience Center of Cuba, which confirms, with a well-developed statistical analysis, that it is effective. There is no doubt “.

Many specialists are not surprised by these advances by Cuban specialists, because the criminal economic embargo that the United States has unilaterally imposed on Cuba for 61 years sharpens the ingenuity of the island’s scientists.

Vera Cuesta adds that Cuba is ready for NeuroEPO to be commercialized soon.

“We want to do a phase IV clinical study, because each new molecule has a rigorous research process. At this point, we want to apply it massively. There are no side effects. It is very harmless and easy to administer because it is done nasally, drip,” he explained.

33 years ago, Commander Fidel Castro created CIREN, a non-profit entity for the development of neuroscience.

CIREN has also developed technological and therapeutic innovations for neuronal regeneration, in particular for patients suffering from epilepsy, sleep disorders, addictions such as smoking, and more recently for post-Covid sequelae.

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, CIREN developed an innovative comprehensive care program for people suffering from sequelae due to the virus, such as severe headaches, sleep disorders, memory loss at short term, chronic fatigue and neuropathic pain caused by damage to the nervous system, among others.

*Collaborator of Prensa Latina. Mexican journalist and writer, president of the National College of Journalism Graduates, secretary for social development of the Latin American Federation of Journalists and founding and honorary president of the Federation of Mexican Journalists Associations.

The original article can be accessed here



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