Europe invests in solar power from space – Interstars

For his energy dependence and his greenhouse gas emissions reduce, Europe is seriously considering producing energy in space. According to the boss of the ESA Joseph Aschbacher Space solar energy technology is an important step towards energy independence and CO2 neutrality. 2 new independent studies would recommend investments in technology.

The studies of Design offices Frazer-Nash from the UK and Roland Berger from Germany were completed in August 2022. Both assess the potential and cost of solar power from space. Although the development of space solar energy technology is still in its infancy, companies advise investing early in technology in order to assume a pioneering role here.

Space solar energy technology is extremely complex

The concept is simple, at least in theory. Satellites collect solar energy in their orbit and send the energy back to Earth via microwaves. There the rays can cross antennae collected and transformed into electricity. the Efficiency of photovoltaic systems in space is much larger than those on earth. You can collect solar energy continuously and not be disturbed by clouds. In addition, they can line up so that the sunlight is exactly in the 90 degree angle falls on the panels.

However, the installation of such systems in outer space hundreds of billions of euros costs. Europe consumes regarding 3,000 terawatt hours of electricity per year. To get regarding a quarter of that from space solar power technology would take dozens of satellites, each 10 times bigger than that. station spatiale internationale ISS. To build these systems would require flying countless times in space. Consulting firm Frazer-Nash estimates that it will take 4-6 years for all parts of a single facility to be in orbit.

The criticism of the plans is great

But there is not a small criticism of the concept. Elon Muskwho would certainly benefit from the plans with his space company SpaceX, called him “the dumbest thing Whatever. “With a solar array in orbit, you get twice the energy from the sun, but you also have to double the conversion: photon to electron to photon to electron,” Musk said. “You’re going to have hard work. enough time to achieve even 50% conversion efficiency. »

also clearly designates it CalTech physicist and former NASA employee Casey Handmer on his blog: “I can assume 100% transmission efficiency, transport costs of $10 per kilo, full development and supply cost parity, and extreme land scarcity on Earth. Even then, space solar energy will not be competitive. . »



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