“Those who go out clandestinely, it’s because they have things to blame themselves for”

On the occasion of the general assembly of the PEDN (Party of Hope for National Development) this Saturday, August 20, 2022, Oumar Bélis Barry wanted to respond to those who maintain that his leader, Lansana Kouyaté, is leaving in sly from Guinea. This member of the national political office of the PEDN ensures that the former Prime Minister of broad consensus (under the late President Lansana Conté) does not blame himself for anything and he left the country by the airport. And, to taunt the “critics” of the PEDN, Oumar Bélis Barry insists that those who leave Guinea clandestinely have things to be ashamed of, reports Guineematin.com through one of his journalists.

In front of the massively mobilized PEDN activists and sympathizers, Oumar Bélis Barry hinted that Lansana Kouyaté is on a party mission abroad. And, to those who tend to present the leader of the PEDN as a fugitive, Oumar Bélis Barry reassures that Lansana Kouyaté went through “the VIP room” at Conakry international airport.

“There are a lot of comments regarding the exit of Lansana Kouyaté. But, stay calm, don’t listen to the detractors, let them talk, it’s not our problem. He (Lansana Kouyaté) left Ahmed Sékou Touré airport in good and due form. He even went through the VIP room. Those who go out clandestinely, it’s because they have things to be ashamed of. But, as we do not reproach ourselves for anything, we leave by the official way. And that is what Mr. Lansana Kouyaté did. Where he is, he is on a party mission. Many things can be said: he (Lansana Kouyaté) is close to the junta, he is the junta’s candidate. It’s all bogus debates. Lansana Kouyaté is only the PEDN candidate,” insisted Oumar Bélis Barry.

Continuing his speech, this secretary in charge of education and member of the national office of the PEDN deplored that there are politicians in Guinea who do everything to divide the political class into two blocks where it is necessary to line up on one side . He also clarified that the PEDN does not want to cross corpses to be in power.

Oumar Bélis Barry, second secretary in charge of education

“You know, there are politicians in this country who always want to send the debate from the angle of two camps: movement and opposition. However, in the current case, there is neither movement nor opposition, there are only political parties which want to conquer the power. So, those who think that the PEDN is close to the current power, they are mistaken. On the other hand, there are values ​​that we defend: peace, appeasement, conquering power without shedding the blood of the innocent. We want to go to Sékhoutouréyah, but we don’t want to cross the corpses to get there. We want to go for the presidency, but there are methods of claiming that we do not opt ​​for; because in the DNA of the PEDN, it is peace, it is the culture of understanding. We want a Guinea without violence. We don’t want to send our children to be killed, we want a Guinea where we see each other as brothers… They can’t say that we are 100% with the junta, no. As proof, they said 36 months, the PEDN said: no, we want 24 months. That is one example among many others. But, people think that as soon as you don’t participate in a demonstration, you are with Paul or Pierre. We just want a peaceful Transition, because we know that by going with a standoff with the junta, we are only delaying this Transition”, indicated Oumar Bélis Barry.

Malick Diakité for Guineematin.com

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