Former Human Rights Ombudsman, Jordán Rodas, left Guatemala for El Salvador

Jordán Rodas, former human rights attorney, left the country at 2:31 a.m. on August 20 for El Salvador, as confirmed by Migration spokeswoman Alejandra Mena. He crossed the border by land at the Valle Nuevo Border Post.

Rodas left Guatemala at the end of his period as a magistrate of conscience. He was appointed head of the PDH for the period 2017-2022. In his place, Congress appointed José Alejandro Córdova, who this Saturday, August 20, took office and presented his work plan for the 2022-2027 period.

Last May, deputies of the Human Rights Commission of the Congress requested the dismissal of Rodas, but the request did not prosper and was not known by the plenary session. The former attorney was summoned on multiple occasions by that legislative chamber.

On the last day of Rodas’ management, groups of citizens arrived at the PDH headquarters to place banners alluding to the magistrate of conscience; some to thank him for his work and others to celebrate his departure and criticize his management.

In a private act at the PDH headquarters, acting attorney Miriam Roquel handed over the position to Córdova, who later presented his work plan in a public act at the Miguel Ángel Asturias Cultural Center (CCMA).

Upon his departure following presenting his work plan, Córdova said he did not know regarding the departure from the country of Rhodes, since at 7:50 a.m. he was told that the former attorney would not accompany him to the act, due to health problems.

Rodas published this Saturday followingnoon, August 20, on the social network Twitter a message in which he indicates that he fulfilled his mandate and handed over the “position accordingly”, and that due to professional commitments he will be out of the country for a while.



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