Congress: The Swiss abroad concerned about their free movement in the EU

PublishedAugust 20, 2022, 10:18 PM

CongressThe Swiss abroad concerned regarding their freedom of movement in the EU

The 98th Congress of the Swiss Abroad has opened in Lugano. Its participants signed a resolution in favor of a clear strategy by the Federal Council to maintain their rights in Europe.

The denunciation of the bilateral agreement between Switzerland and the EU has negative effects for Swiss residents in the EU, denounces the OSE.

Swiss Community

The Swiss abroad demand from the Federal Council “a clear and transparent strategy to maintain the achievements of the free movement of persons”. This is what they demanded on Friday at the opening of their 98th Congress in Lugano. They unanimously approved a resolution to this effect, said Swiss Community, the Organization of the Swiss Abroad (OSE) in a press release on Saturday.

The text imperatively requires the maintenance of free movement in order to guarantee the acquired European rights of the 449,571 Swiss established in an EU member state and of those who wish to go there in the future. Indeed, only the agreement on the free movement of persons allows them to benefit from equal treatment with European citizens, specifies the text.

Already visible effects

The Council of the Swiss Abroad, ie the “Parliament” of the Fifth Switzerland, is “extremely concerned regarding the development of relations between Switzerland and the EU”, stresses the OSE. According to her, it is “not possible to fully assess the consequences of the breakdown of negotiations, but certain effects of the denunciation of the bilateral agreement are already visible”.

And to cite as an example the fact that there are still no negotiations on Switzerland’s association with the Horizon Europe research and innovation program, although calls for project submissions have already begun. “In the Erasmus+ education program, Switzerland only has the status of a third country, which restricts the possibilities of participation for Swiss institutions and, in particular, for young Swiss people”, underlines the organization.

Yes to E-ID

The delegates also came out clearly in favor of the electronic identity (E-ID), which will facilitate the monitoring of the administrative files of the Swiss abroad and which might improve their access to Swiss banks, according to the president of the OSE , Filippo Lombardi. However, they felt that ensuring data protection and security as well as compliance with international standards remained essential.

New app for the Swiss Abroad

The President of the Confederation Ignazio Cassis also took part in the Congress. He recognized that the Swiss abroad play an important role in the development of democracy: thanks to their outside view, they contribute to Switzerland, although it is a model of democracy, also learning from other countries.

The Head of Foreign Affairs also announced the launch next November of a new application for smartphones specially dedicated to Swiss abroad, “SwissInTouch”. This new communication channel will serve as a platform for exchanges between them, the embassies and Bern.




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