Al-Khouli discussed with Beirut and Mount Lebanon water workers their demands, the most important of which is the correction of wages

The President of the General Federation of Lebanese Trade Unions, Maroun Al-Khouli, received the workers’ committee for the workers of the Beirut and Mount Lebanon Water Corporation at the worker’s house in Jal El Dib, where the committee presented its problems and demands represented in the necessity of correcting wages, bids, transportation allowance and social assistance.

Al-Khouli made a statement in which he said: “We receive a labor committee representing more than 800 workers and employees of the Beirut and Mount Lebanon Water Corporation, and they are suffering real starvation because the administration ignores their miserable living situation, especially as they run the institution in all its sectors and thus ensure that water is secured for all citizens without any objection to The basis of the promises from the administration to correct their catastrophic situation while they have been working in the institution for decades, they gave it sweat, time and money and built it with drops of their blood. Securing a decent living, there is no more disrespect than this disrespect.”

He continued, “The administration has not fulfilled its promises that it will secure their full rights and that it will follow up on their confirmation file, but the days have proven that they are empty promises, so we, as a union, adopt your just and humanitarian cause and we will work together to achieve it. of 800 families, and we will follow up on this issue and present it to public opinion in a press conference to be held on Tuesday, following which the steps to be taken by unions will be announced so that this flawed file once morest the institution and the state can be closed.



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